
No matter what year group you are in, you have access to the well-being team based in A37. They are there to support your needs throughout your time at school, offer advice, help, and support in your time of need. We know that being in Years 11-13 offers so many different testing scenarios, and we will support you whatever they may be. Below you will find a number of different resources to help you deal with any well-being issues from anxiety, resilience, de-motivation, and more.

Cardiff Met University Mental Health talk

Making a self-soothe box

Dealing with demotivation

Building resilience

Growth Mindset

Making new friends

Better sleep

Growth Mind-set - Pre 16 - Workbook -Student.pdf

Improving self esteem

Overcoming loneliness

Managing stress

5 tips for better well being

Manage your mood with food

Boost your well being


Being your best - Mindfulness techniques.pdf

Access a playlist of well-being resources on Covid & your mental health, crisis, anxiety, keeping healthy, low mood, loss all via here.

Five tips for relaxing during difficult times here.

What I can do about my mental health when I need more support here.

Panic attacks - what are they and what to do? here.

Managing digital related stress here.

The benefits of the outdoors here.

5 reasons to care about mindfulness here.

Stress and Anxiety in the digital age here.

Exercise & mental health here.

Depression, mood and exercise here.