Welcome to Levittown Public Schools’ Elementary Summer Reading Website! We are thrilled to have you and your children join us on this literary adventure. Our goal is simple yet profound: to foster a love of reading while promoting essential literacy skills that will serve your child for a lifetime.  On this website, you’ll discover a treasure trove of titles eagerly waiting to be explored. You'll also see familiar favorites, perhaps ones your child encountered during the school year, ready to be revisited with fresh eyes and newfound appreciation.

As you navigate the different pages, you'll find a variety of sections designed to cater to different reading preferences and interests:

To get started, simply click on your child's grade and then select their school. From there, the reading world is yours to explore! Let’s embark on a summer filled with literary delights and unforgettable tales. Get ready to "turn the page" on a new chapter of fun and excitement!