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Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to my 6th Grade Math website! I am so glad you have arrived! Have fun exploring this website to get a sneak peak into some of what we will be learning. Here are some important pieces of information you will want to know.
You will need a CHARGED Chromebook every, single day in my class. It is an expectation that you come to class with this as we will be using it every day. I suggest you bring your charger to school as well. If you have your charger, you will be able to charge up in our room. This will be part of your participation grade!
Check the Google Classroom (GC) EVERY DAY! I post important messages for students and parents on the STREAM. I expect that you check our GC (Google Classroom) Stream every day.
Every single assignment for the ENTIRE year will be posted on Google Classroom. This is how I roll. Please get used to checking the "Classroom" every day, for all assignments; ESPECIALLY when you are absent!
EMAIL ME! Students- I expect YOU to email me with questions about assignments, tests etc. I always welcome communication from your parents, AND I want to hear from YOU about any day-to-day questions that may arise. Check your GMAIL! I will be emailing you too! I also sometimes post private messages to you on the STREAM. So PLEASE check the STREAM in GC EVERY DAY! I am your partner in your education and I am always here for you!!!
Bring your Student ID to school every day! You need it to get into the school.