
Weeks 3/4 /5/6 Term 4

WALT: Infer

When reading and performing our plays we will have to infer how the characters feel so we can use the correct tone and expression.


Weeks 1/2 Term 4

WALT: Think about the meaning of the text, while reading it.

WALT: Recognise and discuss the author's purpose


Week 10 Term 3 - Carry on reading these in Term 4


  • Use expression

  • To explore the importance of appropriate timing with the fast-paced dialogue between characters

  • Analyse the particular language and structure features used in the play

Car Games-SJ L3 Aug2016.pdf
L3 August 2016 - Car Games.pdf
SJL3 May-A Mugging in Maths.pdf
SJ-L3-TSM-Mugging in Maths.pdf
SJL4_Nov_2020-Like, Share, Subscribe.pdf
SJ L4 Nov Like, Share, Subscribe Mini-TSM.pdf
The Village Beach L3 Nov 2017.pdf
A Work of Art-SJ L2 Oct 2015.pdf

Week 8/9 Term 3

ENGLISH: Reading

Level 2 – Ideas: Students will show some understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts.


  • Uses their personal experience and world and literacy knowledge to make meaning form texts.

  • Makes meaning of increasingly complex texts by identifying main ideas.

  • Makes and supports inferences from texts with some independence.

Copy of What's Inside
What’s Inside L2 TSM pdf.pdf
SJ-L2-TSM-Kupe and the Giant Wheke.pdf
SJL2 May-Kupe and the Giant Wheke.pdf

Week 5/6 Term 3

WALT: Think about the meaning of the text, while reading it.

WALT: Classify a piece of text as either fact or opinion.

Three Legends.pdf

Week 3/4 Term 3

WALT: Write and read reports about sport.

WALT: Use a range of tools to help us understand the vocabulary we are unsure of.

School Journal L2-Aug18-Football.pdf
Vocabualry Wall
SJ Aug L3-Born to Run (1).pdf
SJL3 Aug TSM_Born to Run (1).pdf

Weeks 1/2 Term3

WALT: Skim and Scan text for information


Matariki - Weeks 8/9 Term 2

Copy of Matariki stories
Matariki Fact Hunt
Matariki Fact Hunt Activity Fact Cards.pdf

Can you answer all these questions?

Click on the link, make a copy, name it and share your work with me at

Week 7 Trees - The Lungs of the Earth

The Lungs of the Earth

Week 3/4 Term 2

Captured in Ice.pdf

To find the teacher notes and Learning Intentions for this weeks reading visit...

Week 2 Term 2

Climate Change-SchoolJournal Level4.pdf

To find the teacher notes and Learning Intentions for this weeks reading visit...

Kids Copy of Climate Change KWL chart

Use a KWL chart to record what you think you already know about climate change (K) and what you want to find out (W). As you read and find answers to your questions, record what you’ve learnt (L). When you finish reading, evaluate your initial thoughts and discuss with a partner how your thinking has changed. Record your findings as “What I now know”.

Make your own copy of this slide... AND REMEMBER TO SHARE IT WITH ME :)

If you missed a chapter of Holes this week you can listen to Chapters 1-4 here...

Chapters 5-7 here...

Chapters 8-11 here...

Reading Week 1 Term 2 - Climate Change

Let's Learn about Climate Change Week 1

Make your own copy of this slide... AND REMEMBER TO SHARE IT WITH ME :)

POETRY - Week 11

Ngatu: Keeping the Tradition Alive

SJL2_2018-Ngatu-Keeping the Tradition Alive.pdf
SJL2_June 2018_TSM_Ngatu.pdf

Holes Weeks 9/10

Holes Week 9/10

Click on the link, make a copy, name it and share your work with me at


Great White sharks – they instil fear and inspire awe. These sharks are an apex predator that can grow to 7m long and weigh near two tonnes, and were made famous by the 1975 hit movie ‘Jaws’. Little is known about this endangered animal, including where they breed, and their movements and their habits. But what is clear is that a new population of Great White sharks has taken up residence at one of our most popular holiday destinations and Dr Riley Elliott, known as SharkMan, wants to know why.

Click on this link to watch the "Sunday" report on Great White sharks.

Reading Activity Week 7/8

Week 7 T1 Holes

Click on the link, make a copy, name it and share your work with me at

Reading Groups Week 7 Term 1
Holes Week 6/7


Reading Activity Weeks 6/7 T1

Click on the link, make a copy, name it and share your work with me at

Compare and Contrast

WALT: Compare and contrast characters from the book Holes.

Watch this youtube clip about comparing two other charcters you might know...

Now click on the link below, make a copy, name it and share it with me. Compare Stanley and X-Ray. What are some of their similarities and differences?

Week 5/6 T1

Reading Activity Weeks 5/6 T1

Click on the link, make a copy, name it and share your work with me at

Holes - Setting

WALT : Describe the setting from the story HOLES.

What is a setting? Watch this youtube clip...

Now open the link below, make a copy, name it and share this sheet with me. Describe the setting at CAMP GREEN LAKE.

Holes Week One (Kowhai)

Reading Activity Weeks 3/4 T1

Click on this link to get the Google Slide above. It will be view only so you will then need to make and name a copy of your own. Whaea Nikki will show you how to do this...

Character description.pdf

WALT: Write a character description.

Not the best youtube clip but it gives you can idea of what I am after...

I will provide you with this sheet or you can create your own using a google slide. Show me how creative you can be.

Don't forget to share your work on Seesaw once you are finished.

Visit The Kiwi Kids News website and read about the latest news from around the world.

On Friday's join our Kiwikidsnews Kahoot...and the winners will go up in lights on this website.

You Are What You Eat!
