
Term 4 - Smart Relationships

Week 8: We are learning about the Summer Learning Journey.

Activity Post 1: Kick Start - First Year bloggers with

enough scope that older learners could bring their own creativity and interpretations to the activity.

Activity Post 2: Step it Up - A levelled up opportunity to create.

Put your creation in this folder please.

Week 6: We are learning how to write quality blog comments.

What is a quality blog comment?

It is our turn to comment on our buddy class blog:

Remember to use what we learned today PLUS include feedback about the parts of a quality post that we have been working on in week 4 and 5.

You can use the search function to find a student blog on anything you are interested in learning about!

Week 5: We are, again, posting in our class blog.

Craft a better blog post

Once your blog post has been approved you can look at our class blog. Read any new content and comments. You can practice replying to a comment using your best manners.

Week 4: We are posting in our class blog.

In small groups, we are choosing an idea from last week's brainstorm and writing a post for the class blog.

Craft a blog post

Week 3: We are learning about the parts of a blog post.

This week it is our turn to look at the comments on our class blog and respond.

Let's look for the positive, thoughtful, helpful structure in the comments that have been left for us and respond in a way that keeps the conversation going.

Ideas for class blog posts
Y3-6 Exploring Blogs

Week 2: We are learning to use social media safely.

This week it is our turn to comment on our buddy class blog using the positive, thoughtful, helpful structure we learned last week.

Social Media

Week 1: We are learning to write positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.

Commenting on others’ work

This week it is our turn to look at the comments on our class blog and respond.

Let's look for the positive, thoughtful, helpful structure in the comments that have been left for us.