Don't stop reading afterschool and on the weekend... 

Use these resources when you aren't in school...

Looking for something to read?

Explore some of our favorite authors' websites!

Miranda Paul

Nancy Churnin

Chana Stiefel

Elaine Vickers

Dana Middleton

Kwame Alexander

JK Rowling - "Joanne Rowling, better known by her pen name J. K. Rowling, is a British author, film producer, television producer, screenwriter, and philanthropist. She loves cooking and baking. She likes to draw and listen to music. She also likes to take her kids out to have some fun. She likes to read and write books." - Sidney

Check out JK Rowling's new Harry Potter website! You can read and listen to the first book.

What author do you love?

Email Mrs. Compel about your favorite author websites along with a quick blurb and we can add them to this page!

Do you have a Leonia library card?

Yes? Visit the Leonia Library website to check out e-books, digital graphic novels, online magazines, audio books and more for free! 

No? Get one now!

What are your favorite books?  

Recommend a book you have read and post a review on Goodreads.  Make sure to ask a parent first. 

You can also read reviews on Goodreads to make a plan for something you would like to read in the future.  

We would love to hear your reading plans!  Email Ms. Lewis and Mrs. Compel what you're planning to read next. 

Check out these sites for more reading activities to do at home!

Read, Wonder, and Learn! Favorite Authors & Illustrators Share Resources for Learning Anywhere

Read books online for free on these sites:

Storyline Online - books read aloud by authors and celebrities

Wilbooks - free books to read online by author Bruce Larkin

FunBrain - a selection of online books

Storyjumper - read books written by self-published authors or write one yourself!

Internet Archive - a large collection of children's books, including Amelia Bedelia, Nancy Drew and more!

Oxford Owl - fun ebooks for kids of all ages!

Newsela - Current event articles for kids

Wonderopolis - A question of the day blog that provides answers to frequently asked student questions. 

Book Creator - create your own digital book! 

More resources can be found here.

Click here for even more recommended sites by Ms. Lewis and Ms. Compel!

Still need something to do? Write something! 

Use these charts to help you write an informational, opinion or narrative piece of writing, then send it to Ms. Lewis or Ms. Compel! 

Distance Learning Informational Writing.pdf
Distance Learning Writing Menu .pdf
Distance Learning Opinion Writing .pdf