Artificial Intelligence for Education (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and education is no exception. AI has the potential to revolutionise teaching and learning by automating tasks, providing personalised instruction, and helping teachers to better understand the children that they teach.



Google Gemini

Gemini is Google's experimental, conversational, AI chat service.

Access Google Gemini at

How can Gemini help me in my role?

Teaching staff

Here are some specific examples of how Google Bard can support educators: - 


Here are some specific examples of how Google Bard can support admin staff: - 

AI is only as good as the prompt it is given

(CREDIT: The AI Classroom - Teaching Goals Publishing, Dan Fitzpatrick, Amanda Fox, Brad Weinstein)


Prompt it: Prompt construction is essential to success.

Role: Specify a role or persona for the chat. Saying 'you are an expert in X. What is X.' gives better answers than just asking the question.

Explicit instructions and examples help with narrowing down the options. If the first answer is unsatisfactory, give an example of a similar good answer.

Parameters help constrain what, how much, how well, and what style the answer is in. You can even say 'only give actual quotes'.


Prompt it: Write a letter about our year 3 upcoming trip to the Tower of London.

Role: You are the teacher leading the trip

Explicit instructions and examples: Include that children will need to be in school at 7am and will return to school by 4pm. They will be in groups of 6. During the trip they will have a workshop about the history of the tower. 

Parameters: Write in a formal tone and include a permission slip at the bottom. 

You then have a clear starting point that you can continue to prompt and edit. If you are not happy with the result, you can ask it to change bits or you can choose to edit yourself. 

OTHER AI TOOLS to support teaching and learning

These are some tools that have been tested out. It is not an exhaustive list. 

Got one to share? Please email

Adobe Firefly

Text to image generator


Generate reading texts and quizzes

Practice Sets (Google Classroom)

Similar to forms, but provides children with real time feedback (including video) and encouragement

Skybox blockade labs AI

Uses AI to create 360 degree panoramic images. This technology can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating artwork, games, and VR experiences. You can use this with Thinglink.

OTHER AI TOOLS to support Admin tasks

Canva AI features

#1: Magic Design

#2: Magic Edit

#3: Magic Eraser

#4: Translate

#5: Beat Sync

#6: Draw

#:7 Magic Replace

#8: Create Animation

#9: Magic Write

#10: Magic Presentations

#11: Text to Image

#12: Layout & Styles

Watch this clip to help you get started!

Arbor (Ask Arbor)

Want to know how attendance compares across year groups this term? Ask Arbor. Need to draft a difficult letter to parents and guardians this morning? Ask Arbor. Looking for a quick way to create a student report? You can Ask Arbor that too!


(350 free credits)

Slide deck generator