Weekly Newsletter
28th June 2024
What a fantastic summer fair we had! A massive thank you to the PTFA for all their hard work in organising such an amazing event. The atmosphere was buzzing, and it was wonderful to see our school community come together for a brilliant day.
A special thank you t to all the volunteers who gave their time to make the fair such a success. Their dedication and enthusiasm truly made a difference.
And the best part? We raised over £6,000! This incredible amount will be used to support our next playground project.
Thank you to all the Parent/Carers for your generosity!
You Made the Fair Amazing, Now Help Make the School Even Better!
But the fun doesn't stop here! The PTFA is always looking for enthusiastic parents to join their team and make a real difference in our children's education.
Here's why you should consider joining:
Make a Real Impact: Your time and skills can directly benefit our school. Help fundraise for new equipment, organise exciting events, or simply share your ideas!
Stronger School Community: The PTFA is a fantastic way to meet other parents, teachers, and staff, fostering a sense of belonging for everyone.
Flexible Volunteering: There are ways to contribute for every schedule! From a few hours a month to one-off event support, find a role that fits your life.
Think you can't help? Think again! The PTFA needs people with all sorts of skills - baking, decorating, social media savvy, or just a willingness to lend a hand.
Fill in this form to join us and be part of something special!

Monday 1st July - Year 3 & 4 - Sports Day @ Cheam Park - 9:15-11:15
Tuesday 2nd July - Reception Celebration Ceremony & Sports Day @ Cheam Fields 9:00-11:00
Wednesday 3rd July - Hedgehogs finish swimming
Thursday 4th July - Otters finish swimming (there will be a catch up session on Wednesday 10th July)
Friday 5th July - Year 4 Strings concert - Details here
Monday 8th July - Year 3 Drumming concert - Details here
Monday 8th July - Year 6 Production 6pm Hall - Details here
Tuesday 9th July - Year 6 Production 6pm Hall - Details here
Wednesday 10th July - Year 6 - Leavers Assembly - 2:00pm start - Hall - access via Stoughton gate from 1:45pm
Thursday 11th July - Year 6 Fun Day - 2:00-6:30pm - Details here
Friday 12th July - Nursery Sports Day @ Cheam Fields 11:00-12:00
Friday 12th July - Reports sent home
Friday 12th July - Year 6 - Prom - Details here
Monday 15th July - Friday 19th July - Year 6 Isle of Wight Residential - Details here
Friday 19th July - Last of Term - 2:00pm Finish - Mufti/Own Clothes
Future Term Dates here
Following parental feedback, we will be holding year group welcome meetings for all year groups in September.
These meetings will allow you to meet the teachers, find out about the curriculum and other events and activities that will be happening throughout the year.
Please make a note of the dates below.
Nursery and Reception meetings will take place later in the Autumn Term.
Thursday 5th September - New Year 1 - Welcome to Year 1 Meeting - 9:00am - Hall - Access through car park
Thursday 5th September - New Year 5 - Welcome to Year 5 Meeting - 2:30pm - Hall - Access through car park (Stoughton gate)
Thursday 5th September - New Year 3 - Welcome to Year 3 Meeting - 5:00pm - Hall - Access through car park (Stoughton gate)
Tuesday 10th September - New Year 2 - Welcome to Year 2 Meeting - 9:00am - Hall - Access through car park
Tuesday 10th September - New Year 4 - Welcome to Year 4 Meeting - 2:30pm - Hall - Access through car park (Stoughton gate)
Tuesday 10th September - New Year 6 - Welcome to Year 6 Meeting - 5:00pm - Hall - Access through car park (Stoughton gate)
Thursday 19th September - New Nursery - Welcome to Nursery Meeting - 9:00am - Hall - Access through car park
Thursday 19th September - New Reception - Welcome to Reception Meeting - 2:30pm - Hall - Access through car park (Stoughton gate)
Dates: Running weekly, Monday - Thursday from 22nd July - 16th August
Where: Brookfield Primary Academy
Times: 9am-3pm
Activities: Gymnastics, Dance, Cheerleading and more!
Cost: £18 per day
Age: For pupils in years 1-6
Bring a packed lunch.
Limited spaces available, so book early to avoid disappointment!
Where: Cheam Park Farm Primary Academy
Dates: Running weekly, Monday - Thursday from 22nd July - 16th August
Times: 9am-3pm
Activities: A variety of multi-sports activities, including football, basketball, dodgeball, Badminton, table tennis and ESports gaming!
Cost: £18 per day
Age: For pupils in years 1-6
Bring a packed lunch.
Limited spaces available, so book early to avoid disappointment!
School Uniform
Please click here for a reminder of our uniform policy.
Please note the following: PE kits should only be worn on PE days. If your child has a sports club before school, they need to bring their uniform with them to change into.
Considerate Parking
If you need to park your car in the surrounding roads to drop off or collect your child, please ensure you park legally and considerately. Please do not block drives or hinder access for residents. Parking inconsiderately can create a dangerous
situation for children crossing the road.
If your child has to have an appointment during school time please fill in the appointments form here. If your child will be in school over the lunch period please ensure you have filled in if they will be school dinners or packed lunch. A copy of any evidence for appointments must be emailed or brought into the office.
Warmer Weather
As the weather heats up, here are some tips to help keep your child safe and comfortable at school:
Pack a refillable water bottle: Ensure it's labelled clearly
Sunscreen: Apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) before school
Sun hat: Pack a wide-brimmed hat for shade.
Please ensure that all your children's medical or dietary needs are up to date on Arbor
Chrome Books
Please ensure Chromebooks are in school each day charged for learning
Drop Off and Pick Up reminders
All Year Groups:
The playground can be a busy place. Please keep your children (including younger siblings) with you at all times. Children should not be playing or unaccompanied in any area of the playground at either drop off or pickup. This includes the grass area, the trim trail and the reception playground. When you have collected your children, please make your way out of the playground quickly.
Please do not allow your children to play on the climbing frame, open the equipment sheds or play with the reception toys. These areas are tidied at the end of the school day and left set up for the following morning.
Year 3-6:
When waiting to collect your child, please wait on the playground in front of the class dismissal area. Please do not wait in the shelters (children going to after school clubs wait in there).
Late collections
Please contact the School Office if you are going to be late collecting your child. School finish times can be found here.
If you arrive at school more than 10 minutes after your child’s finish time your child may be sent to Aces wraparound care and a charge of £15 may be applied for emergency childcare.
Please click Transition Support for information about transferring to Secondary School 2025 and Reception 2024
Please click here to be taken to our Support page which has information on Parent/Carer workshops/courses/resources in the local community or online
At Cheam Fields Primary Academy we recognise that good attendance gives our children the best possible opportunity for learning and reaching their full potential. Children need to attend school regularly if they are to take full advantage of the education opportunities available to them as well as their relationships with friendship groups. Giving your child the best start in life is every parent or carer’s wish. The opportunity to learn and make progress is essential to improve life chances. Good attendance is key to securing this.
Illness - If your child is going to be off school due to illness, please complete our Absence form here by 8:30a.m on each day of Absence giving the reasons for any absence, this is an important safeguarding issue for the school.
Appointments - If your child has to have an appointment during school time please fill in the appointments form here. If your child will be in school over the lunch period please ensure you have filled in if they will be school dinners or packed lunch. A copy of any evidence for appointments must be emailed or brought into the office.
Exceptional Absence - Taking holidays in term time affects children’s schooling as much as any other absence and the school expects parents to help us by not taking children away in school time. There is no automatic entitlement in law to time off in term time to go on holiday. The Governing Body does not sanction absence during term time. Any authorisation given by the Principal will be at her discretion and only in exceptional circumstances.
Please fill in the request for exceptional absence here.
Aces Extended Services - Places available
We have spaces in our wraparound provision on selected days. If you would like to find out about availability, please email aces@leoacademytrust.co.uk.
Hayfever medication - we are not able to give children hayfever medicine on a daily basis. Please ensure your child has taken any required medication before school.
We are able to administer prescription medicines in school. However we only administer medicine when the course cannot be completed at home. If you are unable to do this we would kindly ask that you do the following:
Complete the medicine form here
Ensure medicines are clearly labelled and in date
Come to the office with your child and their medicine before school each day
Your child will receive a medication label
Collect your medication from the office each day
The LEO Lottery raises money to enhance the opportunities for ALL our pupils! Join our weekly lottery from just £1 a week
It’s an easy way to support our Trust and help raise funds for LEO Foundation projects 40% of ticket sales come back to us
There’s a guaranteed winner every week as well as the chance to win £25,000, It’s easy to sign up online so start supporting our Trust today!
Last year, funds raised by the LEO Foundation supported our LEO PRIDE Awards in EYFS, our ECB All Stars Cricket Development Centre for Year 2 pupils, Mandarin lessons for Year 5 pupils and our Year 6 Junior Citizenship Programme.
Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!
Support LEO Academy Trust when you play Your School Lottery - Your School Lottery