Vektori Import and Export of Products

Import, update and export; products and product groups can also be moved this way

1. Product import and export function

If you add a lot of new products to the Service or make several updates to the products, you can make the changes at once by uploading an Excel or CSV file to the Service with the product import and export function.

1.1. Column explanations

The table below describes the column headings and a description of the column's function.

1.2. Product import

If your products list is empty, in order to see the Product import function go to Products -> Import -> Import or Download template from the left menu.

With the Download template function, you can download a ready-made Excel file template in the Service, which is primarily intended for adding new products.

Save the file template to your computer and add the product information to that file, to be later imported to the Service.

The file template contains several column headers with empty cells below which you can add product information. If you don't want to add information to a column, you can leave it blank. In terms of data import, the mandatory column is only the product name.

NOTE! Do not modify the column headings or the structure of the file, instead, add information to the correct lines under the column headings.

1.3. Excel/CSV-file

Start importing data into the Service by selecting an Excel/CSV file from your computer with the Import function.

NOTE! There can only be one tab in the imported file.

1.4. Field targeting

Field targeting defines which field in the database the column data is saved.

HUOM! If the file has a header row, do check the box on Skip first row.

When importing new Products you can skip the Update checkmark on all the boxes on that column.

In section 1.1, field-specific information and information on when to use the default settings are described in more detail, if no value has been given to one of the columns in the file.

1.5. Duplicate check

You can select the data fields from the target fields, based on which the duplicate product data is checked.

When adding new products, you do not need to select the Check activated option, in which case no checks are made when importing product data, but the product data is added to the Service directly according to the information in the file.

When updating products, select the Check activated option, from Check fields select the fields for duplicate check.

You can use either "All" as the data verification method, in which case every data must match or "Any", in which case it is sufficient that some data field is the same as the existing data.

Finally, select the Save -button.

You will be notified of successful data import on the screen and you can view the created file and save the Excel/CSV import file on your computer.

The Excel/CSV import file contains the following tabs/sheets:

1.6. Updating products

You can update the product register by first exporting the product register to a CSV/Excel file, updating the product information in the file, and then importing the file back to the Service.

In order to update the catalog begin the export by using Products-> Export -function. After that, choose the Price type that is show on the file, either price with tax or price without tax and also you need to select the File type for the file(Excel/CSV).

Finally, select the Export -button.

Save the file on your computer. Update the product information and then it's time to import them back to the Service, Products -> Import -> Choose file.

First select the file according to chapter 1.3.

Select the fields you have updated in the file to be updated under Check Fields. Like in the image example, the Active -field.

If you do not select any fields to be updated, all product information in the file will be added to the Service.

Select check for duplicates as per chapter 1.5.

If the product file has been taken through the Service's own export function, the products in the file have a unique ID field. When updating products, select the ID field to check for duplicates, which can be used to ensure that the correct product information is updated.

NOTE! If the intent is to update the ID, then the duplicate check field could be e.g. Name - that said, the value that is checked needs to be unique, a value that remains the same after the update.

You will be notified of successful data saving on the screen and you can view the created file and save the Excel/CSV import file to your computer.

NOTE! As of writing this documentary, there were some bugs noticed using the import function, sometimes the updating was indeed a success although problems were detected.