In-text Citations

In-Text Citations


-At the end of a direct quote

-At the end of a paragraph that contains paraphrased information


-In parentheses at the end of a sentence and before a period

-All citations must have a matching source in the Works Cited


The name of the author can be used in the sentence or in the citation. 

Example from a book:

*If you state the  name of the author in the sentence, you only need to include the page number



In-Text Citation Examples


This is your paraphrased sentence ("Title of the Article").

When an article has no author, shorten the title of the article.
Shorten the article to a noun if possible, if you can't shorten it to a noun shorten it to the first phrase.
Example:  Full title "The Importance of Student Empowerment in Classes"
                      Shorten to: ("Importance of Student").

-Italicize the title of a whole source (e.g. a book, film, journal, or website).
-Use quotation marks around the title if it is part of a larger work (e.g. a chapter of a book, an article in a journal, or a page on a website).

(Oliva, page number with the information).  Example: (Oliva 19).