Image & Graph Citations

Citing images, graphs, tables, maps and charts

MLA Format:

Images found online:

Creator last name, First name. “Image Title.” or Description of image. Website Name, Day Month Year, URL. 

Images from a museum:

Artist last name, First name. Artwork Title. or Description of artwork. Year, Institution Name, City. 

Images from a museum website:

Artist last name, First name. Artwork Title. or Description of artwork. Year. Website Name, URL. 

Images from a book:

Author last name, First name. Book Title. Publisher, Year.
Images from journal articles:
Author last name, First name. “Article Title.” Journal Name, vol. Volume, no. Issue, Month Year, pp. Page Range, DOI or URL. 

a. If you do not refer to it in the text, put the complete MLA format below the image (except that the author is listed first and then last name) and you do not need to include it in the works cited list

b.  If you refer to the image in the text, place a caption (with author, title and year) next to the figure number and list the complete MLA citation in the works cited list

Fig. 1. Claude Monet. “San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk.” Claude Monet, 1908, Accessed 16 Oct. 2023.

Fig. 1. Claude Monet, San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk, 1908.

Works Cited:

Monet, Claude. “San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk.” Claude Monet, 1908, Accessed 16 Oct. 2023.