LAR Virtual Newsletter


LEIGH Learners of the Fortnight

(Most reward points received in the last fortnight)

Angelou - Bow T 132 Points

Kingsley - Luca M 128 Points

Turing - Ismail M 131 Points

Upcoming Themes of the Fortnight:

Careers: How can jobs in STEAM improve our planet? 

Principal's Message

You will have all seen my letter at the start of this module celebrating the fantastic outcome from our OFSTED inspection, with three of the four areas being graded Outstanding. This is a wonderful way to recognise the dedication and hard work shown by staff and our students on a daily basis and I would like to take time to thank the members of our parental body who recently actively take time to show gratitude and appreciation towards our staff for going above and beyond what is expected in their roles for your children. Our staff are incredibly invested in our young people and these small thanks and words of gratitude for the extra support we put in place go a long way in helping our staff feel valued for the work that they do.

It is of course always disappointing when alongside such celebrations we have to speak to students about things such as intentional vandalism, something I wrote to all parents about earlier this term. Unfortunately we have continued to have spates of this in the academy in the toilets despite assemblies, additional form times and key  messages about our expectations. This has sadly included damage to the large celebratory photos of students we had framed and placed around the academy earlier this year in response to the parental feedback that the environment could be more inviting. Please be assured we will continue to try and identify the minority who are impacting on our environment and in working collaboratively ask that you all speak to your children about respecting our environment. If they know of any students who are involved encouraged them to use the report a concern form to inform us.

Mrs Millward


College Attendance

Angelou - 94.7%

Kingsley - 94.4%

Turing -  93.1%

    College Reward Points 

(year to date)

Angelou - 23,298

Kingsley  - 22,981

Turing - 25,690

Academy Updates 


Skirts - We have seen an increase in girls wearing skirts that are no longer knee length. We appreciate this is often the case due to our young ladies growing as the year progresses and are considerate of this when speaking to students. However can we please ensure that where your child has outgrown her skirt and it is no longer knee length that you take time to address this for them so your child is set up to be successful and not receiving avoidable conversations and sanctions from staff. 

Trainers -  We would like to remind families that trainers are not permitted as part of the uniform, except where we have received clear medical evidence from a professional that confirms the need to wear a trainer style shoe. Should your child come into the academy with trainers please be aware they will be isolated during their social times and set a sanction for incorrect uniform. 

Ties - Students have been seen by staff intentionally damaging their ties to create lots of black stripes on them by pulling out threads. We have had conversations with students about this and ask that all parents ensure, if a child has damaged their tie intentionally, that they have a replacement tie for module 6. Thank you 

Online safety, including unkindness and intimidation on social media. 

We have noticed a rise in pupils and families reporting unkind and sometimes dangerous behaviour online. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the national approach schools must follow in relation to online safety, as well as signpost you to some helpful websites and resources to support families to have a greater understanding of how to keep their children safe online. 

UKCIS (UK Centre for Internet Safety) states that the areas of risk online are categorised into four areas, known as 'The Four C's.' These are:

These risks can be present on social media, video streaming platforms, games, websites, pop-up ads... anything that is internet enabled. They apply to anyone using the internet, not just children.  In our Child Protection Policy, we recognise "that technology can be a significant component in many safeguarding and wellbeing issues; children are at risk of abuse online from people they know (including other children) and from people they do not know." Our Child Protection Policy is also clear that we "will respond to online safety concerns in line with our child protection and other associated policies, including our Anti-bullying policy, Behaviour policy, Online Safety Policy and Staff Code of Conduct and behaviour policies," and that "internal sanctions and/or support will be implemented as appropriate." This means that if your child is involved in any concerning behaviour online, despite being away from the academy, we can implement sanctions, support, and liaise with agencies to ensure that our response supports the safety of all children involved.  We also ask that you, as the adults guiding your children, are responsible internet users. Where you have complaints or comments about the academy, it is important these are discussed with us directly so that we can take action to respond to you in a timely and effective way. Where there are difficulties between children, it is important we are informed so that we are able to focus on resolving any issues. In our experience, where families have taken to social media to air their concerns, this has only hindered the process of reaching a resolution. 

Our 'top tips' for supporting your child's safety are as follows: 

Internet Matters 

This website contains a family toolkit where you can receive personalised information about your family’s online use. There are pages with practical advice on setting up devices safely, and other resources are also available which can be filtered by age and need. 

CEOP - Get advice 

This page contains lots of advice about complex issues, and can be filtered by issue-type, age, and type of content. Elsewhere on the CEOP website, reports can be made about harmful sexual online behaviour.  


This website provides help for parents and carers on keeping their children safe online. There is also a search facility which can be used to help you understand terms you’re unfamiliar with.  

We thank you for your continued support in sharing responsibility for your child's safety online. 

Road Safety Talk

Last week, Mrs Plant held an assembly for all year groups to talk about the importance of being safe as we travel to and from school.  Mrs Plant spoke very candidly about both her sister and best friend who were killed due to the actions of dangerous drivers and the consequences of not wearing helmets to cycle or not concentrating whilst crossing the road.  Parents can view the contents of the assembly here.

During the assembly, all students were reminded that if they cycle or use a scooter to get to school, they must wear a helmet.  As per our equipment policy, if a student fails to bring a helmet to school and arrives on a bike - they will be issued a C1 detention for being ill-equipped.

School Clean up

We are putting in place at the academy a keen and dedicated group of lunch monitors to help lead our 'School Clean Up' campaign. Litter is an issue that affects all schools, and here at Leigh Academy Rainham, we pride ourselves on our clean and welcoming environment.  Recently, a few of our support dogs have been trying to eat some of the rubbish on the floor. Chewing gum is dangerous, in particular, for our furry helpers. Therefore, we have a group of students to take charge of the issue! Lunch monitors receive a queue pass at break and lunch times for food, book tokens at the end of the module and a cup of tea from Mr Harrington! Thanks to our first batch of cleaners! You do the school proud!

Year 9 'The Beaney House' Art trip

On Friday 26th April, 32 year 9 students experienced a creative and cultural day of learning at The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge in Canterbury. We took the opportunity to take the students to see works of art by globally renowned contemporary artists including Banksy, Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin and Grayson Perry, who feature in the current special exhibition: Living with Art. The vibrant, imaginative designs engaged the students and sparked meaningful conversations. The students also participated in a workshop: Investigating and Creating Portraits. Led by very informative gallery staff, the students investigated the meaning of a wide range of portraits in the collection, finding out what costumes, poses, expressions and symbols can reveal. It was fascinating to explore paintings and objects highlighting notable people from throughout history in the Canterbury area, from a painting created in 1793, depicting the murder of archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral, to a contemporary painting created in 2022, depicting the drag queen who is known for organising and leading Canterbury Pride. Lastly, we viewed a fascinating and unique collection of artefacts brought back from travels across Asia, Africa, India, and South America by some of Kent’s great explorers. From arms and armour to mummified cats and taxidermy lions, there was something to interest and inspire all students! The Beaney is a weird and wonderful treasure trove worth a visit. 

Duke of Edinburgh

On Friday our Bronze Duke of Edinburgh students completed their training for their upcoming 2 day expedition through the Kent countryside. Since January the students have been completing their volunteering, skill and physical sections displaying their hard work and dedication towards helping others and improving their own lives. The final section of this award is the 2 day expedition which includes over 24km of walking and camping overnight.  On Friday the students were taught how to erect a tent and pack it away, how to cook outside using Trangia and gas as well as essential route planning and map reading skills required to walk safely in the local area. Every student remained focus throughout a long and intense day (pun intended) and now look forward to our first practice expedition on June 7th- 9th and the assessed expedition on 5th-7th July. 

Year 9 Graduation

Year 9 graduation will be held on the 10th July. There will be an assembly P5 on the 10th July for all year 9 students, where awards will be read out. Award winners for the year will then be invited to an event from 6-7pm on the 10th July. Parents will be invited to attend and we will be sending a google form to sign up via for selected pupils.

Year 7 Dover Castle Trip

Last Thursday and Friday our Year 7 students went on an exciting trip to Dover Castle! 

This was a jam-packed few days filled with lots of fantastic interactive activities for our students. On both days our students were able to explore the tunnels around Dover Castle, some of which dated back to the Napoleonic Era! Some students went to the Underground Hospitals and were immersed in the dark and cramped that many nurses and soldiers found themselves in after the evacuations of Dunkirk in the Second World War. Another group of our students got to experience the Operation Dynamo tunnels, in which the careful planning and execution of the Dunkirk evacuations took place. These were great tours hosted by English Heritage employees and many of our students had some fantastic questions about the Second World War during these experiences. Whilst these students toured the tunnels under Dover Castle, the remaining groups explored the First World War lookout tower. Here, students had a chance to test a Morse Code machine, look through some binoculars at Dover Port, and experience first-hand what it would have been like controlling the guns that protected Dover's Admiralty Harbour. 

Our students who attended on Thursday showed great resilience in the face of some poor weather and made a great impression of Leigh Academy Rainham to the public. On Friday we had much better weather and our students enjoyed eating their lunch around the Great Tower! After lunch on Thursday and Friday students had a chance to buy souvenirs in the gift shops, and explore the interactive museum about King Henry VII and the PWRR and Queen's Museum. Students may have also seen the St Mary sub Castro (St Mary below the castle) church within the Dover Castle grounds if time permitted! Finally, our students travelled all the way through the Great Tower, built between 1180-1189 by King Henry VII. Year 7 got a feel for monarchal life as they explored the castle's throne room, bedrooms, lookout posts, and kitchen! It was a long way up and a long way back down, but worth it for the view of France on Friday!

Year 7 had a fantastic day off site exploring Dover Castle and revisiting our topic on the Norman Conquest from Module 2, and we hope that they came home with lots of fantastic stories to tell about their trip!

Student's Piece 

Kent and Medway Medical School - Careers in Medicine - Virtual talk  

'KMMS which stands for Kent and Medway Medical School talked to us about their university, which opened in 2022. They talked about how the university gives free [electronic] tablets and talked about the entry requirement, which is Chemistry and/or Biology. KMMS allows applications through UCAS.

The lady also talked about how KMMS has two universities - Canterbury Christ Church University and the University of Kent. She talked about how to apply to the university; you have to send your application in early October. The speakers described their actual experience studying medicine and this helped us think about options for future careers.' 

Jonathan L Year 9.

Office Updates 

Parentpay top ups during the school day

Please note that we will no longer be phoning home during the school day regarding top ups of parent pay, please ensure your child has sufficient funds on their parentpay accounts if they require food from Cucina.

Bringing Items to the Academy 

Please be aware we are unable to accept any items through reception after 8:30am as per the policy. 

Attendance Updates 

Maintaining 100% attendance for the final term of the academic year holds immense significance, serving as a testament to students' commitment and dedication. As the academic year concludes, trust assessments will take place and it is vital that students are in school to complete these. Consistent attendance reflects responsibility and accountability, essential qualities for success in academia and beyond.

Moreover, achieving excellent attendance sets the threshold for accessing coveted rewards, such as participation in the end of year rewards trip. This trip is in recognition for students' consistent effort throughout the year. By requiring excellent attendance for eligibility, it encourages students to prioritise their academic commitments, fostering a culture of punctuality and diligence.

The Friday attendance award further reinforces the value of consistent attendance. Recognising the form group with the highest attendance rate not only instills healthy competition but also cultivates a sense of collective responsibility among peers. The reward of ice poles adds a fun element, incentivising students to strive for excellence in attendance collectively.

We look forward to awarding students with excellent attendance in the final modules rewards assemblies and thank parents and carers for their support.

Co-Curricular Clubs 

Please note that students now have an opportunity to sign up to after school clubs via the SOCs website and view what clubs are available each week. We expect all students to try and attend at least one club. Please do encourage your child to get involved in any of the multitude of clubs available after school Monday to Friday (bar Wednesday).

Please discuss with your child which clubs they would like to attend and support them to do so. Their login details have been sent to their school emails and passwords can be reset via this email too.

The full complement of our clubs offer can be found on our website here.  

Upcoming Events 

Mary Poppins Show 

Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June 2024 starting at 6:00pm. 

Year 9 Graduation 

Wednesday 10th July 6-7pm

SLT Drop Ins 

Should you wish to meet with a member of the senior leadership team book online here