Research & Media

Research Approval

This project is approved by the Institutional Review Board of Lehigh University as a unified review spanning all three universities (Lehigh, Texas Christian, and Washington State).

Conference Presentations

Leeson, D., Malone, D., Brown, K., Hammond, T., & Popejoy, K. (November, 2020). Putting it on the map: Building authentic local geospatial inquiries with ArcGIS Online. Presented at the Innovate Learning 2020 Summit.

Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (November, 2020). Adapting Models of Teacher Training and Curriculum Development for Online Geospatial Inquiry in High School Science and Social Studies Classrooms. Presented at the Innovate Learning 2020 Summit.

Hammond, T., Popejoy, K., Bodzin, A., & Leeson, D. (December, 2020). Building local geospatial inquiries for your students using ArcGIS Online. Accepted as Presentation at the annual conference of the National Conference for Geographic Education, Online.
