Socio-environmental science investigations (SESI) are a series of secondary level geospatial investigations that focus on social issues related to environmental science. The investigations focus on local problems and utilize fieldwork to gather data in a local setting. Through SESI activities and projects, students use cutting-edge geospatial technologies, exercise their spatial thinking skills, and learn about STEM-related college and career paths. The SESI project began in 2016 as an NSF-funded collaboration between Lehigh University and Building 21 High School in Allentown, Pennsylvania (award DRL -1614216). The curriculum materials and research from this partnership are available at

The SESI-ExpAND project builds upon this earlier work. We are a collaborative research-practice partnership between Lehigh University, Texas Christian University, and Washington State University and six high schools: Lankenau High School in Pennsylvania; Alexis Dupont High School in Delaware; Pascal High School and I.M. Terrell High School in Texas; and Chiawana High School and River's Edge High School in Washington state.

Project Personnel

Qiong (Joan) Fu

Tom Hammond

Doug Leeson

Kristen A. Brown
