AP Art & Design
Drawing 2 is an advanced exploration of principles, styles, and techniques for creating 2-D art. Students will become familiar with the works of artists from across time and cultures and will take inspiration from them as they develop their own styles. Students will work with a variety of media to create artworks that they will add to a portfolio. Artistic media used in this course includes:
Chalk Pastel
Oil Pastel
Mixed Media
Digital Media
Portfolios & Exhibitions
Students will develop physical and virtual portfolios that will include practice pieces and final project. They will curate their portfolios throughout the course. Students will also have the opportunity to showcase their work at local exhibitions and will be encouraged to enter competitions. Students may also have their work displayed on the school campus, the Lee County Public Education Center, Alliance for the Arts, and/or Arts for ACT Gallery. An online gallery will showcase student artwork through the school website and prints of select works will be available for sale as a part of our fundraising efforts. Students may also be comissioned to create artwork for clients.
Students should have the following supplies in order to be prepared for class:
A three pronged folder or three ring binder
Pencils with erasers
Notebook paper
A Sketchbook
Their Chromebooks
Most art supplies and equipment will be provided, however students may purchase their own supplies if they would like to have it to work outside of class. The following are recommended optional supplies:
Colored Pencils
Watercolor set or watercolor pencils
Art Gum Eraser
Chalk Pastels
Oil Pastels
Kneaded Eraser
Charcoal Pencils
Chamois Cloth
Heavyweight drawing paper or watercolor paper
Course Topics
Elements & Principles of Art
Landscapes & Perspective
Op Art
Neo Impressionism
Contemporary Art
World Art
Digital Media Design
Art students are expected to keep sketchbooks (not sketchpads) for keeping notes and sketches as well as for recording ideas for projects. Sketchbooks should be kept up to date and should be used both in and outside of school as inspiration for a potential project may come at any time. Sketchbook checks will be included as a part of the Activities grading category.
Sketchbooks should include at lease 50 pages and should be at least 8.5 X 11 inches as students will be attaching loose papers from learning activities, notes, etc. to sketchbook pages. See below for examples.