Digital Design

Digital Design

This course track develops basic entry-level skills required for careers in the field of graphic design.

The content includes: process, planning, designing, conceptualizing, editing, critiquing, and presenting of real-world projects created using traditional & digital media.

Students use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to enhance their design skills. Levels II, III, & IV build on the foundations of design covered in Level I to create more professional work & produce student design portfolios. Industry certification in Adobe Illustrator (DD1), Photoshop (DD2), and InDesign (DD3) is a course expectation.

Digital Lee Winner: 1st Place Multi-Dimentional-

Andrew Brueckner

Students created action figures of themselves with accompanying packaging and toy accessories.

Digital Lee Winner: 2nd Place Photo Manipulation -

Griffin Myers

Students created landscapes that extended beyond the screen of digital devices.