Cypress Lake High School
Media Department
Digital Media Arts
Explore video production, animation, creative photography, game design, and graphic design.
Our Goal
At the end of our 4-year program, students will leave CLHS with college credit, a professional portfolio of work, and industry certification.
Industry Certification
We offer certifications in Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, and Animate as well as ToonBoom Storyboard Pro & Unity Digital Artist.
Meet 2022 Seniors Kirsten Augustensen and Ale Tamayo
Meet the director: Mrs. Angela Amos
Angela Amos has been teaching in Lee County, Florida since 2000. With a Master’s degree in English and a concentration in Film Studies from the University of Florida, her background led her to advising and publishing the award winning Cypress Legacy yearbook for 15 years. She is a five time guest presenter at the Columbia Scholastic Press Association's national conference at Columbia University, New York.
From print journalism, she segued into broadcast journalism. Analyzing and deconstructing how the world is influenced by the media we consume is her primary goal in her Television Production and Film Studies classes. Responsibility, integrity, and ownership are the driving forces in all her classes. She has been a Teacher of the Year nominee and a Golden Apple finalist. She is certified in Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, and Animate as well as ToonBoom Storyboard Pro and Harmony.
Former media students have continued their education at
Students entered the workforce using their media skills at the following locations