About this project

This international project is an intense collaboration between a Belgian (GO! atheneum Brakel) and a Norwegian (RUD Videregående Skole) school. 

Tommy speaks about the birth of our project

(film in Dutch)

Our collaboration aims at the co-creation of a self-invented drone, with a payload with the ability to measure and save data like:

The temperature gets measured for multiple reasons. One reason is, that it gets used for comparison to earlier and future temperatures.

The altitude of our drone should be measured, so we know at what height our measurements were done.

The pressure is important for the meteorologist to produce where important pressure systems such as low and high-pressure areas are located.

Particulate matter is made up of these particular gasses, which need to be measured. The drone can help with measuring the amount of particulate matter there is in the air.            

The brightness of the light is measured with a specific sensor on the drone, which is the luminance sensor. 

This stands for Global Positioning System. We're going to use a GPS on the drone, which will locate in what area is the most amount of particular matter and how the air quality in that specific location is.

The air may contain different types of particulate matter. This is a dangerous kind of air pollution that should not be inhaled. That's why it is significant to be measured properly.

Measuring the humidity lets you know how much water vapour in the air contains at the prevailing temperature.


The main goal is to design and create a sensor to measure the general air quality, as described above. But we of course need a way to get those sensors in the air. Our Norwegian partners are building a drone which can transport our payload (the sensor module).
We also want to research if the measured gasses (like CO2) have a relation with altitude. 

Learning process

Expected outcomes