Skills for working together


Throughout your time in college you may be asked to produce work or presentations with other individuals or in groups. This could either be described as group work or collaboration in your assignments.

Typically, you would be looking to work together for a common goal when you collaborate on work and presentations. Successful collaboration will lead to successful work being submitted so understanding the role you can play in the process could well be vital!

Skills for working together self assessment

Let's start by seeing what you hope to gain from this page and look at how confident you feel about this skill:

Individual skills for successful collaboration

In order to successfully collaborate with your fellow students as an individual you need to appreciate and understand that the following skills.

Problem Solving - (managing conflicts)

Task management - (specific roles and responsibilities within the team)

Creativity - (digital and non-digital environment)

Analytic thinking - (comparing, contrasting, evaluating and applying)

Collaboration - (team working in both physical and virtual spaces)

Communication - (VLE, effective listening and speaking, personal interaction and sharing information)

Ethics - (listening skills, tolerance and critical challenges)

Mindfulness - (respecting, encouraging, engaging and appreciating other points of view)

Handy hint:

You may not be great at all of them but if you understand your strengths and have the right mix of people the process and outcome of your collaboration will be good!

Big tip:

A big part of collaboration is sharing ideas to establish common ground before moving forward with a solution.

Collaboration takes trust and may feel risky at times. While differences may seem more pronounced than similarities at first, deeply shared interests can emerge over time. Adapt and evolve with the process, it will expand as new tools and ideas emerge.

Tools for collaboration

There are a wide variety of tools, both physical and electronic, that you can utilise to collaborate with others. Some of these require you to be present together in the same place and time whilst other allow you to work at different times and in different places.

Here are a selection you may find useful for your time in college:

1. G Suite for education - Drive, Classroom, Docs and more

2. Social media - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc

3. Brainstorming, mind mapping - MindMup, Coggle, Padlet etc

4. Chat - Whatsapp, Hangouts, Snapchat

What kind of collaborator are you?

The quiz here will show you how comfortable you are as a collaborator you are. Save the link and use it when you are working in groups so you maximise the potential for successful collaboration. Check back and take the quiz again later in the year to see if you have grown as a collaborator.

Final skills for working together self assessment

Finally, let's look at what you have taken away from this page and how confident you feel about finding information now.