Digital literacy

Get going with Google

Google, Chrome, Classroom and GSuite are the tools that college uses to support students with their learning. If you have used Gmail, YouTube or a Google Calendar before then you will have seen some of their tools already. At college you will use:

Word processing: Google Docs

Presentations: Google Slides

Spreadsheets: Google Sheets

They also have digital note taking tools, website solutions as well as a whole host of apps and add-ons to help. Below is some information on key tools for college life.

Getting started with Classroom

A Google classroom is our college Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), similar to Moodle, Blackboard and the other available options. The image on the left can be found on Chromebooks and in the Chrome browser. Clicking on it will take you to the Classroom Homepage.

This LINK explains the ways you can join your classes in college.

These VIDEOS show you how to install the Classroom on your own mobile device.

Knowledge check yourself by filling in THIS Form.

Getting to know key G-Suite apps

Google Docs

Docs are your standard documents you will use for essays, reports and more. All the information you'll ever need can be found HERE.

This LINK will take you to the key shortcuts you can use when working in Docs.

Knowledge check yourself by filling in THIS Form.

Google Slides

Slides are used when you want to create presentations and more visual records or the work and research you have carried out. All the information you'll ever need can be found HERE.

This LINK will take you to the key shortcuts you can use when working in Slides.

Knowledge check yourself by filling in THIS Form.

Google Sheets

Sheets can be used when you are collecting and presenting data, planning projects and can even email out automated replies. All the information you'll ever need can be found HERE.

This LINK will take you to the key shortcuts you can use when working in Sheets.

Knowledge check yourself by filling in THIS Form.

Google Drive

Google Drive is your free, unlimited, cloud storage that comes with your college Google account. As long as you are online and registered (similar to Classroom as shown above) you can access this from any mobile device where the Drive app is installed.

This LINK provides you with access to all the information you'll ever need whilst using Drive for your college work.

Chrome on your chromebook

Chromebooks are provided by college to help you with your studies. They are set up slightly differently to a traditional laptop with some shortcuts found in different places and different key combinations.

This LINK provides you with a complete list of shortcuts you can use. If you are adjusting to a Chromebook from a laptop this is the place to go!