Books and ebooks for teacher training

Printed books

The University Centre Library has a collection of teacher training, education and related books, including reading list set texts, and additional texts selected by academic and library staff. Please consult your module handbooks for details of reading list texts.

The following are the main relevant locations, listed by classification number and corresponding subject area, in the University Centre Library's collection:

170 Ethics

370 Education

370.15 Educational psychology

370.72 Educational research

371.302 Study skills

371.5 Behaviour management

371.9 Special Education

372 Primary education

373 Secondary Education

374 Adult and Further Education

375 Curricula

378 Higher Education

If you wish to find a specific title or wish to search the printed book collection by author's name or subject/keyword, please use Search+.


The LRC has a large collection of e-books searchable via Search+ (the LRC's discovery tool for searching across online databases, e-books and e-journals).

To search for an e-book, select ‘Publications’ on the Search+ home page and then enter the book’s title, author's name, subject, or ISBN in the 'Library Publications' search box.

If you need assistance with finding e-books, please ask in the University Centre Library.

A selection of ebooks for teacher training:

From home login as follows: select 'Shibboleth', then 'UK Higher education', under UK select 'Leeds City College', and then enter your college computer username and password.

Author: Lebor, M.

Year: 2017

Publisher: Palgrave

Place: Cham

Author: Dufour, B. and Curtis, W.

Year: 2011

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Place: Maidenhead

Author: Scales, P., Senior, L., and Briddon, K.

Year: 2013

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Place: Maidenhead

Author: Avis, J., Fisher, R. and Thompson, R.

Year: 2014

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Place: Maidenhead

Author: Short, M., Le, Q. and Le, T.

Year: 2011

Publisher: Nova Science

Place: Hauppauge, N.Y.

Author: McGrath, I.

Year: 2013

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Place: London