The mission of the Lebanon school district is to inspire a passion for learning through positive relationships, personalized experiences, and a focus on the future.

The vision of the Lebanon school District is an adaptive learning community that empowers all learners with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be ready for their future.

Lebanon R-3 is committed to equipping every student in Lebanon R-3 School District with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to be high school, college, career, and workplace ready. 

Students are more than a test score.

Explore Discover Pursue

To learn more about Lebanon R-3,  click the attendance, academic achievement, or college, career, and workforce readiness button below.

Lebanon R-3 is a part of the Success-Ready Student Network

Lebanon R-3 joined 20 leading school districts from across the state of Missouri to design a better way for each student to engage in meaningful learning, demonstrate individual growth, and prepare for future success. The Missouri Success-Ready Students Network (SRSN) is leading a statewide effort to support a long-term transition to competency-based learning in public schools, including the design and implementation of new state assessment and accreditation systems.

The Success-Ready Students Network, in collaboration with the Missouri Department of Education, will engage stakeholders in:

SRSN Frequently Asked Questions

Copy of SRSN FAQ