Intermediate DPA Activities

Pick one activity each day from the options provided. Activities are grouped in themes. Try to do a different theme each day of the week and could follow a day of the week pattern (ie. Muscle Madness could be on Monday, Dance could be Freestyle Friday). You may not see the options for each theme until you select the title for the theme.

Muscle Madness

Fitness Game of Dice Rolling

Before any exercise make sure you have warmed up by doing about 5 minutes of jogging followed by about 10 minutes of stretching and remember to have a bottle of water with you. If the workout is seeming difficult then break it down into less repetitions at a time with more rest in between. Take your time and do the activities the best you can. It is more important to do the activities properly than quickly. So, go roll the dice to see your workout!

Build your own dice using the template and play the Dice Fitness game found in this link.


Please make sure to be careful and make sure you have a parent supervising you.

Hold all your balances for 5 seconds.

MINI FLOOR ROUTINE - Create a mini floor routine of some of the movements you just practiced in the two previous videos. Feel free to add in any other gymnastics moves you know. Click the link to watch a video to get an idea of what to do.

Exercise Suits You

Get a deck of cards (or make cards on small pieces of paper).

As a family take turns drawing a card, you must do the exercise that goes with the suit and the number of reps according to the number on the card.

  • Spades: Jumping Jacks

  • Hearts: Burpees

  • Clubs: Squats

  • Diamonds: Push ups

  • Kings: Sing A song

  • Queens: Do your best dance moves

  • Jacks: Make a silly face and wait for others to notice.

Fitness Stations

Create fitness stations around your space (living room, backyard, garage, driveway). Lay out the equipment you’ll need at each station. Rotate through the stations and spend 1 minute at each. Station Ideas: skipping, hopping, rolling, arm circle, jumping jacks, ball toss.

Phone Drills

Use the following exercises and see how many times you can go through the numbers that are in your phone number.

  • 0- 20 second plank hold

  • 1- 1 burpee

  • 2– 2 star jumps

  • 3- 3 squats

  • 4- 4 toe touches

  • 5- 5 sit ups

  • 6- 6 walking lunges

  • 7- 7 seconds of running on the spot

  • 8- 8 big arm circles

  • 9- 9 jumping jacks

Outdoor Fun


This can be played indoors or outdoors. This is a great way to reuse water bottles! Line six to ten water bottles up at the end of your hall, living room or somewhere outside. Place a line of masking tape at the starting line. Grab a medium-sized ball and start bowling! If you do not have a ball you can use rolled up socks. Maybe you can play a game in teams.

Obstacle Course Laser Maze

Create and obstacle course outdoors or in an indoor hallway using crepe paper, yarn or string. Use painters' tape or sticky tack to secure the paper to the walls, especially if you are building an indoor course. Be as elaborate as you like but remember that you must be able to fit through without destroying the course. What's your fastest time through it? See the example in this link to help in the design process

The Inukshuk Experience

The Canadian Inuit people have a strong heritage with the Inukshuk and its meaning. The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games used the Inukshuk as a symbol of unity for all the world. Once the various forms of these traditional markers have been researched, the students are asked to decide which type of Inukshuk they would like to create. Go for a hike or walk in your community and collect enough rocks to produce a sturdy inukshuk. Build it in a special spot on your property and leave it for others to see as a virtual hug while we are social distancing with others.

Food for Thought

Scavenger Hunt

Develop a list of items to see or collect for the family weekend challenge. These items can be from inside your home, in your yard or on a favorite family walking route or hiking trail.

Play Categories Game while going for a neighbourhood walk

Go for 30-minute walk. As you are walking, play categories with family members walking with you. The Categories Game will have you searching your brains for items that fit a certain category. Some rounds will last 5 minutes, and others will last much longer, depending on the category selected. When choosing categories, consider the age and knowledge base of all the players. Choosing categories that are very basic in nature may sound boring, but after a few rounds, the game gets interesting, challenges most players and demands plenty of thinking. See below for categories examples.

How to Play the Categories Game

The basic rules are simple. Any other guidelines are decided on by the group playing the game.

  1. Choose a category

  2. Decide on an order that players will answer

  3. Start naming items (in the order decided in Step 2 that fit the category until players can’t name any more.

  4. Repeating an item that has been named is not allowed.

  5. Players can decide if they want to put limits on how much time players are given to think of an answer.

EXAMPLE If the category is reptiles, player 1 names “snake”, the player 2 says, “crocodile” and player 3 says, “chameleon”. Player one names another, and the process keeps going until no one can think of another reptile

Music Stretching

Turn on calming music. Stretch your body in different ways and hold the stretch.

Stretch up to the sky, reach to your toes, make yourself as wide as possible, twist one way and then another. After 10 minutes of stretching, sit in a comfortable position. Take some time to close your eyes and pay attention to each of your senses, one at a time. What can you hear? What can you smell? What can you feel? What can you see? What can you taste?

Game Creator

Invent a new game for gym class when you go back to school. Use only equipment you can find in your home. What are the rules? What is the goal? Teach the game to other family members and play the game. What works well? Do you need to change anything?

Sport’s Camp

Soccer Skills

Dribble a ball (any ball will do) around the back yard trying to keep it in control. Go again but his time use the other foot. While standing still try to control the ball in the air; we call this juggling. Start by trying to bounce it on one knee or one knee to the other knee. How many times can you do this before it falls to the ground? Now try other body parts like your chest, foot and maybe your head. How many times in a row can you hit any combination of body parts until the ball falls to the ground? Try this a few times. Find a way to play pass and receive. Either use the side of the house if you are alone (check with a parent to be sure it will not damage the building) or pass with a sibling or parent. Make sure you trap the ball and control it before you kick it back. Try alternating feet on each pass and if you can, move farther apart so you can practice punting. To practice shooting and aiming on net, find a pop can or plastic bottle (any toy will do too) and set it up about one meter away. From your position try to knock over the can. Take a few shots on net and then adjust the distance for greater success or challenge. Finally, try playing one-on-one with a parent or sibling. The idea is to get control of the ball and turn quickly to knock over the can. Remember it doesn’t make sense to run away from the can to keep possession of the ball as the goal is to score points by knocking over the can.

Volleyball Skills and Drills

Toss and catch a ball (any ball will do) around the yard trying to keep it directly above your head. Maybe try a balloon or beach ball if you choose to play indoors. While standing still try to keep the ball in the air without it hitting the ground; we call this volleying. Start by throwing the ball in the air and then hitting it above your head with your fingertips (overhead volley). You can hit the ball with your forearms if it is too low to hit above your head (forearm pass type volley). Try these a few times and see if you can use a combination of both types of volleys to continuously volley the ball so it doesn't hit the ground. Find a way to play pass and receive. Either use the wall if you are alone or pass with a sibling or parent. Now set up a chair or some other object between you and your partner to use as a net. Cooperate and volley over the net. Finally, try playing one-on-one with a parent or sibling. The idea is to volley and have the ball land on the ground on the opponent's side of the net for points.

Indoor Basketball

All you need is a bucket and a rolled-up sock (or a small, light ball). Each player takes a turn at throwing the sock-ball into the bucket. When a player scores, they must take a step back and throw again until they miss. The player who shoots the ball in the bucket from the farthest distance wins.

Dance Party

Have a dance party in your living room or outside. Click the following links and bust a move to the following songs. Can you copy the moves you see on the screen? If you still feel like dancing when you're done, turn on your favourite song and create your own dance moves.

Can't Stop the Feeling -

The Robot Dance -

Welcome to Bollywood Dance -

Wanna Go Crazy -

Family Weekend Challenge

Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt for your family in your home or neighbourhood.  Make a list of things for them to find or notice.  Enjoy the scavenger hunt together. 

Charades: Family Memory

Take turns acting out a favourite family moment and see if your family members can guess the memory.

Charades: Animal/Object

Play a game of Charades by acting out different animals or natural objects. Try to guess your partner’s animal as quickly as you can.  

Charades: TV show, movie or song

Act out a scene from a TV show or movie your family has watched to see who can guess the movie or TV show first (no sounds or words). Try the same game another night using song titles.

Body Music

A leader claps a short rhythm pattern repeatedly until everyone can maintain it in unison. Next, the leader changes the location and style of the rhythm: tapping on the head, clapping on the thighs, stomping the feet, clicking the tongue, snapping the fingers, etc. Take turns being the leader. Everyone follows along for fun!