
Learning Standards

Students are expected to do the following:

Use skills and processes to ask questions, gather, interpret and analyze situations and issues

Communicate findings and decisions

Assess and compare their previous self-knowledge with their present self.

Analyze the continuities and changes in their skill sets, relationship skills and communication skills

Listen actively in a variety of situations.

Practice empathy with humans and animals

Practice effective communication skills

Explain how the horses in the program help guide their learning

Conflict resolution awareness

Practice critical thinking and decision making skills

Conduct themselves with empathy, maturity and responsibility

Students are expected to know the following:

Basic anatomy of the horse

Basic horse handling skills and how to conduct themselves safely around horses

Understand basic body language and communication with the horses.

Basic grooming, feeding and veterinary care of the horses and occasionally other farm animals.

Understand their own personality, self-awareness (personality testing)

How to increase and improve their own confidence and self esteem

Know how to navigate interpersonal relationships with increased confidence

Have a practical skill set that will help with team building and leadership skills

How to access and develop the skills in reading body language and posture of both human and equine partners.

Indigenous Learning

Students will learn how develop relationships, accept responsibility and accountability, overcome barriers to find change, be encouraged to be creative and innovative, find opportunity in working together, realize the benefits associated with effective communication and recognize the value of mutual trust, respect, and personal integrity… All while having FUN while learning? It doesn’t get much better than that. And, this is learning that STICKS.

The more senses that are engaged, the greater the likelihood that new learning will be retained. The more we involve learners, the more senses we engage, thereby increase the probability that they will learn, retain, and apply what they have learned.

A program like this encompasses ALL aspects of Indigenous Learning - the mind, body, emotion and spirit.