Math Games

Games We Play to Understand Concepts:


  • Place Value Yahtzee
  • Roll & Create a Number
    • Roll the dice, say the number aloud, write the number in written form, standard form, expanded form and draw base 10 model


  • Quick Facts -- roll two dice and add/subtract them.
        • cards -- split the deck and have cards face down. Turn the first card over and add/subtract together. First player to say the answer correctly gets both cards.
        • Dominoes -- practice adding doubles when you match up
              • match up and add the numbers on each side before placing the domino down.
              • Match up and subtract the numbers on each side before placing the domino down.
      • With popsicle sticks, make every addition or subtraction question to 10. For example, 1+1, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4, 1+5... and so on until all facts are done. This can be done for addition, subtraction and multiplication.


      • Same thing as addition, but with multiplication facts to 9.
  • Quick Facts
      • cards -- split the deck and have cards face down. Turn the first card over and multiply together. First player to say the answer correctly gets both cards.
      • Dice -- roll two dice and multiply the two numbers together.