Grade 8 Math

Grade 8 Math


This is the game plan... it is subject to change! 

September: Ratios, Rates and Proportional Reasoning

Practice, Assignments & quizzes

We have been learning about proportional reasoning and how we can apply ratios, rates and percentages to the real world. (activivities we participated in: assignments, vertical surface tasks, quizzes and checkpoints) 

Students have completed: 

Assignments 1-5

Checkpoints: 5

Vertical Surface tasks: several

3-Act tasks. 

Number talks- Lesson notes. 

Vertical surface tasks and group work.

Students have been asked to participate in a number of small group activities and white-board tasks to learn to communicate their understanding of the topics we are covering. The goal is to foster communication and cooperation in groups. 

Were do we see Porportional Reasoning in the real world?

As much as possible I tell the students where we will use these skills in the real world. We can apply proportional reasoning to: 

-photography (have to ever seen a picture where itlooks like the subject is pushing the leaning tower of Piza?)

-buying clothes on sale (is that 20% off deal really a good deal?) 

-giving a tip after dinner (the difference of calculating 10%, 18%, 20% on our meals)

-using scale or ratio in science (looking through a microscope)

-geography (looking at maps and spacial awareness) 

-Art (playing with proportions) 

-We can apply our knowledge to future conservation jobs, ecological knowledge and a wide spectrum of applications.