CVUSD & Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) Partnership
CVUSD Dual Enrollment Informational Webinar
WHS Dual Enrollment Informational Webinar
WHS Dual Enrollment Agreement
Print, sign, and return to the WHS Counseling Department. Forms are also available from your counselor or counseling secretaries.
Must be completed prior to MOU being signed by counselor each term.
Dual Enrollment Info
Dual Enrollment Registration Step-by-Step:
Step-by-Step Guide
First-Time Enrollment
Step-by-Step Guide
Returning Students
Moorpark College
Dual Enrollment Counselor Contact
Seville Pinkard MS, PPS
Academic Counselor
Dual Enrollment Program - Moorpark College
(805) 553-4608
Having trouble logging into your account/need a new PIN?
Selecting a Dual Enrollment Course
Certain VCCCD community college coursework may meet CVUSD graduation requirements. Please review the list of corresponding coursework to ensure you are registering for the appropriate course. For additional questions, see your counselor.
What is Dual Enrollment?
Students are enrolled as both a high school student and college student at the same time
Students register for courses on their own through the community college portal after counselor and community college clearance via the e-MOU form
Courses are taught by a college professor either on your high school campus, at the college campus, or virtually
Students may register for 11 units maximum per college semester
Course registration is first come, first served. Please note that DE students register for courses AFTER non-DE students and some courses may be filled prior to DE registration opening.
Although students may register for Summer and Fall term college courses at the same time, they must submit two separate community college MOUs (one for each term)
Students who skip two consecutive main terms of classes (fall and spring) will need to reapply for VCCCD admissions before registering for a course
CVUSD school counselors do not have access to student's grades, current or final, and are unable to assist in academic monitoring. Students who are struggling in a dual enrollment course should reach out to their college professor immediately!
Benefits of Dual Enrollment
Tuition is free
Students can earn high school and college credit at the same time (3 unit college courses and higher earn 10 high school credits; less than 3 college units earns 5 high school credits)
Honors bump is given to dual enrollment courses (same weight as Honors/AP/IB courses in CVUSD and for UC/CSU college admissions GPAs)
College units may transfer to a four year college (much like a passing AP exam score), allowing students to graduate from college earlier
Students can explore coursework that may not be available on their high school campus
Research shows that dual enrollment students are more likely to graduate from high school and go on to earn a college degree
Grades become a permanent part of a student's college transcript
Credit earned through coursework taken through Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura Colleges do not count towards the 40 credit limit placed on external, transferable credits in CVUSD
VCCCD Coursework
These college credits do NOT count towards the 40 external credit limit.
Non-VCCCD Coursework
Students may take dual enrollment coursework through any CA community college. These college credits WILL count towards the 40 external credit limit.
What is an IGETC? IGETC (short for Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) is a series of courses that California community college students can complete to satisfy most freshman/sophomore level general education requirements before transferring to UC. By completing courses from the community colleges' IGETC lists, students are more likely to receive transferable college credit through dual enrollment.
Moorpark College IGETC List of Transferable Community College Courses
Oxnard College IGETC List of Transferable Community College Courses
Ventura College IGETC List of Transferable Community College Courses
What is ASSIST is an online system that provides information about transferring courses from a California community college to a California State University or University of California (CSU or UC) campus. High school students can use ASSIST to identify the courses that will satisfy general education and major requirements at California public four-year institutions.
Note: Dual enrollment courses from VCCCD will not be counted towards the 40 external CVUSD credit limit.