How to Enter Course Requests in Q

Step-by-Step Instructions (Written)

Step-by-Step Instructions (Video)

Additional Helpful Info

Registration FAQ Flyer

Bell Schedule

Time Management Worksheet


Future Senior Video Presentation Guided Notes

Future Senior Video Presentation Note Answers

Future Junior Video Presentation Guided Notes

Future Junior Video Presentation Note Answers

Future Sophomore Video Presentation Guided Notes

Future Sophomore Video Presentation Note Answers

Future Freshman Video Presentation Guided Notes

Future Freshman Video Presentation Note Answers

Application Courses

Academic Decathlon Honors




New students only need to apply

Application LINK


ASG/Student Government 

Mandatory Interest Meetings @ lunch in 31F (ASG Room)

Meeting attendees ONLY will receive application links

Tuesday, March 5th: Class Officer Interest Meeting

Tuesday, April 23rd: Emcee Interest Meeting

Monday, May 20th: ASG Class Interest Meeting


Independent Study P.E. 

Email Ms. O'Connell to apply

Parent Zoom Office Hours

Future Seniors

Future Juniors

Future Sophomores

Future Freshman


Plan on joining a Westlake High sports team? Don't miss out on important announcements from coaches! Sign up to receive coach's emails by sport of interest using the WHS Sport Interest Form. Vistit the WHS Athletics website for more information. Remember- if you are using a sport to meet your minimum course requirements (six classes for grades 9-11, five classes for grade 12), you must participate in a sport for the entire school year.

Fall Sports

Winter Sports

Spring Sports