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Why use a database when you can just Google it? Databases provide academically reliable and accurate information. Websites can be written by anyone, regardless of expertise. Databases get their information from experts and professionals in a particular field of study. All articles have been fact-checked and are credible academic sources. Databases also provide a citation service to make the creation of your Works Cited list quick and easy.

Take a few minutes to view this short slide presentation on how to access our databases.

Lancer Library Database Overview

Ask Library Staff for the log-in. Includes history, science, and literary criticism reference databases. Controversial issues, current events, and much more are also found inside.

Ask Library Staff for the log-in. Includes articles, media, biographies, world atlas, and more.

Ask Library Staff for the log-in to access this state-wide Spanish language encyclopedia database. Includes articles, media, biographies, world atlas, and more.

Ask Library Staff for the log-in. Includes Research Library, Historical Newspapers, eLibrary, SIRS Knowledge Source, and Culture Grams (Country Reports).

ebooks/Public Library Databases

Check the last page of the "Research in the TOHS Lancer Library" presentation above for details on how to access the eBooks, or ask Library Staff.

Ask Library Staff for the log-in to access our Infobase eBook collection.

Ask Library Staff for the log-in to access our ePointPlus books.

Select from thousands of free eBooks, no log-in required.

Access the City of Thousand Oaks Library Databases here. You will need a City of TO library card. You can get one free at the TO Library.