English 11AP

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1819 11 AP Syllabus GLUSAC


  • The purpose of this class is to “help you become an active, contributing citizen and a conscientious consumer of the many texts that you must analyze” in everyday life. (Everyday Use)
  • Students will be able to effectively analyze and utilize various rhetorical skills.
    • RHETORIC=The art of analyzing or utilizing a variety of language choices in a given situation so the text becomes meaningful, purposeful and effective. (from AP English Language and Composition Course Description)
    • This course focuses on critical reading and purposeful, college-level writing in various modes. Students will learn to analyze nonfiction as well as fiction through careful rhetorical analysis.
  • Students will have ample practice with AP Language and Composition Exams. (Students that take this course are expected to take the exam. Students will receive points in the class for taking the test and those who do not will take an alternate test.)
  • Students will gain confidence in their writing within informal contexts to become aware of themselves as writers.
    • Texts will be expository, analytical and argumentative. Students will explore not only the typical conventions (i.e. plot, theme, character) of the pieces, but will focus on the rhetorical and linguistic choices made by each author. Writing assignments will evolve from class readings. Students will use the readings as models, learning to make appropriate rhetorical choices (utilizing the techniques of the model authors in their own writing). Students will employ the writing process of drafting, editing and revision with selected assignments.
  • Because this is a college level course and students expect college credit, the instruction and student expectations will be rigorous. Multiple reading and writing projects will be assigned simultaneously throughout the school year.
  • This course is constructed in accordance with the guidelines described in the AP English Course Description.


COLLABORATION: we want students to be confident, to be self-reliant and learn from each other, not be dependent on one another

SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT: RESPECT is the most important rule in this classroom! Bathroom breaks should be kept to a minimum and should be brief. Food and drink are permitted with the expectation that students clean up after themselves.

HOMEWORK: reading and writing. Late work will be accepted for 2 days after the assignment due date (keep in mind, most assignments are long term with the very rare exception of finishing up classwork). The first day the assignment is late=potential for 75% of original points, and the second day late=potential for 50% of original points.

MATERIALS/TECHNOLOGY: Students can use audiobooks on their devices if that helps them with reading comprehension. Phones, laptops, and devices are permitted for appropriate tasks. Music with headphones is also occasionally permitted while reading for pleasure and writing in journals.


  • 50% WRITING (Writing Notebook, timed writes, short/processed papers)
    • Readings (potentially homework) and analyses
    • Discussions
    • Activities
    • Tests/quizzes

Grading Scale:

A+ 99.5-100

A 92.5-99.4

A- 89.5-92.4

B+ 86.5-89.4

B 82.5-86.4

B- 79.5-82.4

C+ 76.5-79.5

C 72.5-76.4

C- 69.5-72.4

D+ 66.5-69.4

D 62.5-66.4

D- 59.5-62.4

F 0-59.4