Remote Learning

Practicing patience and flexibility...

I look forward to a very positive and productive educational experience with my classes this year. As always, during this time of blended learning, the health and wellbeing of each student is my top priority. My "motto" as we approach this unique school year is "patience and flexibility."

Once classes begin, you will be accessing all of the information for this class through CANVAS and instruction will be provided on Zoom.

I understand that participating in class on Zoom and completing related activities independently at home can bring certain challenges. And, I know that unforeseen issues, such as technical difficulties or unreliable wifi connections, can cause additional stress and frustration. I also recognize that many families are facing unique circumstances that may impact the way students are able to participate in remote learning.

For all of these reasons, I want to extend my understanding and support to each student throughout our learning journey together.

Please know that if there is ever a time that you are unable to access information that I provide through CANVAS or Zoom, or you need assistance with an activity, I am here to help you. We may not be able to connect immediately, but we will connect as soon as possible. I do not want any students to worry that a situation like this will negatively impact their grade.

The best way manage this is to send me an email at or and I will respond as soon as I am able.

And, while I hope this will never happen, if there is ever a time that I am not able to connect for a scheduled zoom class session or an activity is not able to be accessed as listed on CANVAS, please assume that I may be having technical difficulties or wifi connection problems and know that I will make contact with our class as soon as I am able.

Again, I look forward to a great school year with you!

Thank you for your patience, flexibility, understanding and support during these unique and unprecedented times. I look forward to working as a team to help each student have the most positive educational experience possible this year.

Mrs. Maturo 😊