
Here is Livestrong, a website that helps you with your health, tracking calorie intake, personal fitness, and more. Check it out if you are interested.

Here is an article from Livestrong explaining things you should do before working out.

Here are links for my Summer Health Class

2016 Giles Summer School Health Q1-Q2 Agenda

2019 Summer School Health Agenda

NPHS SS Health PP 2019 Best.ppt

Here is a Power Point presentation on my summer Health class

This is an app that helps track and record personal fitness daily, it coaches you on your exercise anything that gets you moving.

This is the 24GO app that helps you track your personal fitness.

Scanned Documents.pdf

This is a chart to help you track your Personal Fitness Goal

Scanned Documents.pdf

This is an article for Smart Goal Setting

Scanned Documents.pdf

This is an article for Setting Goals

This is an excerpt from an article to help reduce stress

"Even in small doses, physical activity is a natural stress reliever — 62% of adults who use exercise to manage stress say it’s extremely effective. In contrast, only 33% of adults who watch TV to manage stress say that it helps.* Pretty convincing, right?

This week, try looking at your stress level in relation to physical activity. If you don’t normally exercise, start simple with a 10-minute walk. If you’re feeling ambitious, try taking a fitness class. Any additional activity can make a difference in how you feel.

Tip: Walk your way to a healthy heart

Walking briskly can lower your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes as much as running."

NP PE Cardio Fitness Questions

An article about Common Questions asked about Cardiovascular Exercise

2018 NP Top 10 Health Benefits of Walking

This is an article on the Benefits of Walking

Here is another article on the benefits of walking.

Here is an article on reducing body fat.