Ice Breakers

These games work well in large groups.

Interviews: Get a partner and find out their full name, one talent they have and what animal they would be today if they could be any animal in the world.

Share a scar story : Get a new partner and share with them a story about a scar you have.

Geography of Self - I need everyone to pretend this room is a map of America. Go to where you were born and share with the group one fond childhood memory you have.

Listening versus hearing - As a leader I challenge you to look at people with your eyes and body and show that you are tuned in, really listening not just hearing. -(Massage ears) When I say one, two, three go we will all clap together.

Gauntlet – form two lines facing each other. The people at the end will come jogging down while the group high fives them. Then, next two pairs will follow until everyone runs through the line.

Double super secret handshake - get a partner and create your own greeting or handshake… bonus points for creativity…1 minute, go!

Leadership Line Up – How many years have you worked in education? Please line up accordingly without talking or mouthing words.

Debrief- talk about how we could share our wisdom with others.

No Fence walkers - (continuum cards) pick a side, place a rope on the ground - everyone must go to one side or the other. Read the group a variety of choices. (i.e. Are you calm or do you like to stir the pot?) Have everyone line up on one side or the other just to get to know each other better.

Get a new partner - share with them something you are good at doing or an area of knowledge you possess. Now get a new partner and tell them what you think you're great at doing. Finally, find a new partner and share what you think your greatest gift is?

Square me – everyone has to get into a square. Look at the folks next to you and introduce yourself. Everyone has to always end up on the same side of me. When your group is lined up, slap your thighs, clap your hands and yell, “ who yah”.

Count to ten - challenge the group to count to 10 one at a time without talking about any system or strategy. The other rule is: participants are not allowed to just go around the circle.

Something to share - get another new partner and share something you know how to do, it could be anything. You have five minutes to teach each other something and then show the group what your partner has taught you.

Peek a Who - Hold a blanket up draping down to the floor. Have half the group on one side and half on the other sitting on the floor. Have one student/staff from each team slide up to where the blanket is touching only their backs. When the participants are back to back with the blanket in between them, count to three and drop the blanket. Whoever guesses the other person's name first wins and takes that person to be on their team. You can play until everyone is on one team.

Long and loud - the challenge is to see who can walk the farthest while making the loudest noise. When you can no longer make a noise you must stop walking. The last person walking and yelling wins, no running.

Half and Half - Take a piece of 8 x 11 paper and fold it in half. Tear of the top left corner for me please. Now fold the paper in half again and tear off the bottom right corner. Finally, can you fold the paper in half once more and tear off the bottom left corner for me please. Now everyone open your paper and hold it above your head.

Debrief – what does this challenge illustrate to us about how we communicate? How can we make sure people get the message we are trying to send? How can we make sure we have received the right message?

Find Yourself - Direct the group to shake hands and introduce yourself to someone as they introduce themselves to you. However, once that is done, you now keep their name and they take your name for the next introduction. As you go around the room, you keep introducing yourself by the person's name that you last shook hands with last. When you come to someone who introduces himself or herself by your name, you introduce yourself with your current name and back out of the circle with your arms at your hips and a glow on your face, because you have found yourself!

Commonalities – get in a group of three and find out three things you have in common that you didn’t know already and isn’t obvious. Raise you hand if you need to find a group and raise your hand if you need someone in your group. This can be done if groups of 2-4

Next round – combine your group with another group and find out three new things that all six people have in common.

Big Group Commonalities – Get in tight groups with people that like that same season as you. When you are in tight groups the facilitator will yell, one, two, three and point to each group. When your groups is pointed to, the group will yell out their favorite season.

Round two – get in groups with people that like the same sandwich as you. Same rules, get in tight groups so the facilitator know what group you are in. It’s ok to change your mind and switch groups.

Round three – How do you like to get around? What is your favorite mode of transportation? Get in tight groups with people that like the same mode of transportation as you.

Debrief: What is the difference between pro-active and re-active? Why is it important to build relationships with other people? Growth takes place when we get out of our comfort zones so try to meet a new person every day this year!