Jazz vocabulary

1. Chasse' - To chase

2. Dance hand- Soft hand

3. Jazz- A routine or combination with smooth dance movements.

4. Isolation- Moving one body part independently.

5. Pas De Bourre'- Cross back, side, front.

6. Pirouette'- A turn performed in releve' with the leg in passe'

7. Plie'- A bending of the knees.

8. Releve'- Rise to the toes.

9. Cross Ball Change- Cross front, rock side, step.

10. Turn Out- Outward rotation of the legs from the hip sockets.

11. Parallel- No rotation, toes are straight ahead.

12. Pivot Turn- 1/2 turn on the balls of the feet to change directions.

13. Three Step Turn- Take three equal steps while rotating 360 degrees.

14. Dig- To place the ball of the foot on the floor while the heel is raised.

15. Contract- All muscles are pulled center or inward.

16. Tuck- Sitting on your knees.

17. Passe'- To pass the foot at the knee.

18. Leap- To take off on one foot and land on the other.

19. Grapevine- Step side, back, side, front.

20. Ball Change- Shift weight from one foot to the other and back to the first.

21. Extend- Muscles open and lift from the rib cage.

22. Jazz Square- Cross, back, side, front.