News Media

Students in Newspaper Productions produce the school newspaper. Duties/assignments may include: advanced writing, interviewing, in-depth research for news stories and features, photography, photo editing, page layout and design, ad sales, ad design and meeting deadlines. Objectives include: management and production of the school newspaper, using editorial judgment and journalistic integrity, as well as working within time constraints and budget limitations. 

The Word

The School Newspaper of Vista Ridge High School

I am so very glad you are on our VRHS news media staff! This job is one of the most rewarding you will

experience during your high school years! You provide the campus community with vital information. You are storytellers. You invite students to become invested in their campus. You offer accountability and encourage discussion of important issues. As a staffer, you will document events, inform your readers and create connections between a variety of people. You will get to meet a lot of people along your journey and have the opportunity to be part of an online publication you can be proud of. However, you must be willing to give a time commitment. As with all things that have deadlines, news media requires time outside of class. 

The Word is yours; let’s make it great. I hope you are ready to work hard and have a successful year!

Google Classroom:

3rd Period News Media/PhotoJ= cctrvcx 

*You must have a code to join the google classroom as a student. Daily assignments will be posted here. Parents, your student has the capability to invite you to the classroom, so please ask them to send you an invitation or email, and I can send you an invitation.


3rd Period News Media= JOIN

*Remind is a GREAT way to stay updated on assignments and deadlines! Please make sure you sign up :)

News Media & PhotoJ Syllabus 23-24 Dossey.pdf