The Lonestar Yearbook

I am so very glad you are here! You have signed up to provide the only complete record of this Vista Ridge High School year. Your work will be published in a book that will live on the bookshelves of our students forever. This book will be critiqued by many, which means you are now part of a team that will be judged throughout the production and printing process. And we do a good job around here. Your work will compete at the state and national level, and you are now a part of the award-winning legacy at Vista Ridge High School!

Being on yearbook staff means you have an amazing task ahead of you. It is a complicated, creative and time-consuming process. Although the job has many rewards, you will be held to very high standards.

You are now part of a team, and we will all count on each other to do our parts. You will get to meet a lot of people along your journey and have the opportunity to be part of a publication you can truly be proud of. You must be willing to give a time commitment, and as with all things that have deadlines, yearbook requires time outside of class.

The Lonestar is yours; let’s make it great. I hope you are ready to work hard and have a successful year!

Google Classroom:

7th Period Yearbook= wfiqko3 

*You must have a code to join the google classroom as a student. Daily assignments will be posted here. Parents, your student has the capability to invite you to the classroom, so please ask them to send you an invitation or email, and I can send you an invitation.

Yearbook Syllabus 23-24 Dossey.pdf