5th Grade Middle School Visits


2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR 

To: the parents of 5th-grade students

Reagan 5th-grade students are scheduled to visit their zoned middle school on 2/23/2024.

 Students will be bused to their zoned middle schools (Henry or Stiles) for a tour and an introduction to many of the activities offered. Students will eat lunch at the middle school before returning to Reagan. If you would like your child to purchase a meal, they may use their student ID number (current lunch account) or bring cash. Students also have the option of bringing a sack lunch. If your child is a voluntary transfer to Reagan and is not zoned for Henry or Stiles, please contact DeAnna.Martin@Leanderisd.org if we have not already discussed your child's situation. Please double-check your child's zoned middle school as Leander ISD has made changes to the zoning that was in place for the 2023-2024 school year. Be sure your address and contact information are correct in the Home Access Center.  If it needs to be updated please contact our registrar Shann.McEwen@leanderisd.org 

This is the information the district uses for our feeder pattern.  

You must complete this Acknowledgement form so your child can attend the visit with his/her peers.

On 2/28/2024 @ 1:50 p.m., the middle incoming 6th graders' school counselors will visit Reagan to share a presentation on 6th-grade course selection and discuss the choice sheets. Please be sure to not take your child out of school early on that day.

Note- if you are planning on submitting a transfer application for your child to attend a non-zoned school their course selections will not be assigned until the transfer has been approved. 

Please check your child's zoned middle school website for information regarding parent night.

 If you have moved during the school year please be sure to update your information with our registrar Shannon.McEwen@leanderisd.org