River Place Elementary Counseling

Jennifer Randall -Counselor

Phone number: (512) 570-6900 ext. 16916

Address: 6500 Sitio Del Rio Blvd., Austin, TX 78730

Please complete this form if you have a concern for yourself or another student: Contact Form

I check my email throughout the school day. Please leave a good time to call you back or feel free to call 512-570-6900 and leave a message with our front desk or ask for ext. 16916.

Support For Every Student, Every Day

The mission of the Leander ISD Counseling Services Department is to provide a proactive and comprehensive counseling program for all students. Counseling Services partners with educators, parents/guardians and community members to ensure all students in Leander ISD are prepared with the knowledge and skills to contribute at the highest level as productive members of society.

Leander ISD's Counseling Services Department is comprised of school-based counselors and school-based social workers and substance abuse prevention counselors. Through the comprehensive counseling program, students develop their academic, career and social skills to “Unlock Their Potential.

Access to School Counselor Services

School counselors serve students and parents—both in groups and individually—to help students meet academic, personal/social, and college/career goals.

Individual referrals to the school counselor may be made by the student, a parent, or by school staff and administration. School counseling services do not constitute or substitute for professional therapeutic care.

Students may stop by the counseling office during the school day. Parents may call the counseling office to schedule an appointment or a phone conference. Matters of urgency will be given priority.

Professional Disclosure

Counselors will respect a student's right to privacy unless (1) a parent/guardian requests information, (2) matters discussed pertain to suicide or possible harm to another person, (3) matters discussed pertain to any type of abuse, (4) there is a legal requirement for disclosure, or (5) there is a necessity to consult with other professionals.