Teacher Favorites

Mrs. Foux's Favorites:

Birthday: March 9th

Color: Pink, Purple, Yellow, Turquoise

Flower: Sunflowers

Snack: Mixed nuts (macadamia, cashews, etc)

Drink: Coffee (with non-fat creamer and Splenda), Gatorade Zero

Restaurants: Alamo Drafthouse, Brooklyn Heights, The Grove, Chick-fil-a

Reading Genre: Mystery and Beach setting novels

Holiday/ time of year: Christmas and Halloween

Gifts under $20: HEB, Walmart, Alamo Drafthouse, Amazon, Starbucks, Chick-fil-a, Target

Activities/ hobbies: Going to the movies, playing nerf battles with my son, spending time with family shooting off rockets

Good scents: lavender, vanilla, pumpkin, lemon

Bad scents: Licorice

Stores: Amazon, Old Navy, Target, Maurices, Walmart, HEB

Collects: fuzzy socks

Attended: Texas A&M and Texas State University

For fun: Go to the movies with Mike and Ridley, canoeing with my family

Does NOT like: onions and I can't eat candy anymore

Allergic: none

Classroom theme: Fish and Ocean Theme