LEander ISD Vocational Services 

Leander ISD Vocational Services
Empowering a Neurodiverse Workforce

Over the last 2 decades, students in Leander ISD Vocational Services have made a very positive contribution to the workforce of Cedar Park, Leander and Austin. Their success speaks to the valuable partnership we enjoy with local businesses and non-profits, where our students get to learn and practice marketable employment skills through internships and supported employment. Many of them are able to obtain their first paid job before they graduate high school. A first job is likely to have a significant influence on how they work the rest of their lives. We are very grateful to our employers for enabling our students to become job-ready. It is a Win-Win!

Leander ISD Vocational Services

Offers You...
An Opportunity to Change A Student's Life!

You Provide Training Opportunities

You Gain a Potential

You Have Empowered
the Student!

Student Learns Skills;
Gains Experience

Student Gets a
1st Paid Job

Student Grown in