We're thrilled that you're interested in purchasing a senior ad! We absolutely love creating them! However, we do want to inform you that the yearbook team has strict deadlines for senior ads. Senior parents must purchase by the Oct. 31 deadline to receive the best pricing.

Number of Pictures

per Ad Size:

1 picture 

3 pictures

5 pictures

8 pictures

Deadline #1: 

Submitted by Oct. 31

eighth page ... $80 

quarter page ... $140 

half page ... $200

full page ... $300

Deadline #2: 

Nov. 1-30

eighth page ... $90 

quarter page ... $170 

half page ... $240

full page ... $350

Deadline #3: 

Dec. 1-31

eighth page ... $100 

quarter page ... $200 

half page ... $280

full page ... $400


Q: I want an ad for the yearbook! What do I need to do?

Great, we're excited to help you create an ad! First, you'll need to upload your message and photo(s) before paying. Don't forget this step, or you won't be able to purchase the ad. Once that's all taken care of, our yearbook staff will start designing your ad. And don't worry about the headline copy; we'll change that to your student's name. So go ahead and find those perfect photos!

Q: Then what?

Easy-peasy! Our senior ads editor will whip up a proof and send it over to you.

Q: Can I make changes after I buy the ad?

Absolutely! When you get the ad proof by email, You'll have five whole days to let us know if you want to change any photos or text. But after that, we'll publish the ad as is, so make sure to check your email. And remember, we're sticking to our design standards, so there are no design changes.

Q: What if I want professional photos, but I don't have them yet?

Well, you'll want to make sure you get those photos by the deadline. If your photographer can't guarantee that, you'll need to hold off on purchasing the ad for now.

Q: What kind of photos can I use?

Oh, we love all sorts! Silly selfies, fancy headshots, even baby photos. As long as the student's dressed, we're good to go!

Q: Why can't I design my own senior ad?

We want everything to look just right and follow our yearbook design standards. That means all the names and elements in the ad will match the rest of the book. Also, we compete at the national level, and our senior ads are judged along with the rest of our yearbook, so consistency matters. 

Q: How experienced is the yearbook staff at making senior ads?

We've been at this for years and even won national awards. You're in good hands with us!

Ok, I’m ready to purchase! Click here to purchase.  (Create a Personal Ad). 


Please refer to the following guidelines in order to submit pictures that will produce high-quality ads. Additionally, in accordance with the Leander ISD guidelines and Texas laws, ads that depict, refer to, or involve illegal activities will not be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Alley or our Senior Ads Editor, Lily, at

Thank you for your continued support!