Leander ISD 


Questions?? Email fieldtrips@leanderisd.org

This site will provide transportation information, forms, tips and FAQs.  

School Transportation: Directors will complete their own school transportation requests directly in Tripfinder. Please remember that school buses (& drivers) will not be available for field trips, etc during regular route time frames. No availability between 5 AM - 9 AM and from 2:00 PM - 5:15 PM.

Tractor Units: Band Directors will complete their own tractor unit requests directly through Tripfinder. It should be noted as - Glenn HS Band Tractor- for example.

If there is not one currently created for your school, please notate it to reflect the example given.  

Rentals: A link is provided below for rental vehicles (charter buses, cars, box trucks, vans, etc). 

 Rental Process

This form is to request rentals of charters, vehicles, trucks, and tractor units. Cars, vans, suburbans and box trucks must be driven by LISD approved drivers.

This form is to request rentals of charters, vehicles, trucks, and tractor units. Cars, vans, suburbans and box trucks must be driven by LISD approved drivers.