2nd Grade says, "Happy Summer!"

You ROCKED Distance Learning! You will ROCK 3rd grade. Enjoy your summer, see you in the Fall!

- Love your 2nd grade teachers!


Welcome to a new way of learning. Below you can find the distance learning links and activities. Dreambox and iStation are both accessible through LaunchPad as well as other great learning apps. Don't forget the DCE Library webpage! There are great links there as well.

Spelling Words of the Week!

Parents: Go through the list with your child. Checking the words they know on the first try. Use the unknown words, 10 a week, to use for sight words. Follow these suggestions if you'd like!

Monday: Write the words 3x each!

Tuesday: Use the words in a sentence with correct capitalization and punctuation.

Wednesday: Write the words in alphabetical order.

Thursday: Write the words 3x each in cursive.

Friday: Get creative! Write each word in a crazy way!


  • Draw a picture or make something from play-dough, BLIND FOLDED!

  • Create your own math fact flash cards up to 20. Start with addition and see how fast you can solve them mentally! Then move on to subtraction, multiplication, and division!

  • Write a book review. Give a summary and your opinion of the book! Write it in cursive for a DOUBLE challenge!

How do I login to LaunchPad?


lastname( 1st eight letters)_studentID#

password (birthdate):

year xxxx month xx day xx

Example (8+ letter last name):

Karen Walterlings



Example (8- letter name):

Karen Walters



Familiar reading/ writing supports