Career Investigation Days
Career Investigation Days
Students are allowed two days during their junior year and two days during their senior year to miss school for the purpose of a Career Investigation Day. A Career Investigation Day (CIDay) is an opportunity for students to visit a professional at the professional’s workplace to determine the student’s interest in pursuing a career in the professional’s field.
Steps for setting up and using a Career Investigation Day:
Identify. Consider careers and professionals you’d like to meet with and shadow. Reach out to your contacts - start with your network of parents, friends, teachers, extended family and mentors. Research local companies and organizations. Check out February CIDays! We may have an opportunity to match you with!
Request. Reach out to the professional requesting the opportunity. Establish a date, time, and clear expectations considering details such as any forms required by the professional, parking details, suggested attire, lunch plans, etc.
Prepare. Print the Career Investigation Absence Form to get signed by the career professional hosting you. Research the individual, business, or organization and prepare questions.
Go out and investigate! Make the most out of your Career Investigation Day by asking questions, taking notes, and collecting contact information of those you meet. Be sure to get your Career Investigation Absence Form signed by your coordinating career professional.
Wrap up. Turn in your signed Career Investigation Absence Form to your campus Attendance Office upon your return to school. Your Attendance staff will update your record to an excused absence. It’s also best practice to thank your host with a written or emailed note of thanks for their time and investment in your future!