
Big Life Journal free printables

GoZen! free printables

Online Resources

These are just a couple of kid-friendly online resources that provide free weekly printables right to your inbox. They are both fun and introspective...

Check them out and see what you think!

supporting our LCE families

*NEW Online Counseling Referral Resource

If you would like more information or would like any assistance, please contact me at or (818) 952-8356

Finding the Right Therapist

I often tell parents that finding a therapist is like shopping for a white shirt. White shirts come in many different sizes, they have various sleeve lengths and necklines, some have collars, some have pockets, some are soft, some are wrinkle-free, and some are short or long, depending on the person's build. Until now, you might not have ever thought about all the decisions one has to make when shopping for a white shirt. One size or style definitely DOES NOT fit all.

Similar to shopping for a white shirt, finding a therapist also involves many decisions, and the end result must make sense for the individual family. The family should feel comfortable with the therapist and his/her ability to build rapport, be supportive, and of course, equip them with the skills to tackle the issue(s) that originally brought them to therapy. Just because therapists have the education to do therapy, it's the family who must decide on the one who will be just "the right fit".

Nancy DeBoer 🙂