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Welcome to Lauderdale County Virtual School

Welcome to the Lauderdale County Virtual School website for students and parents. This site provides information, guidance, and resources for a virtual option (At-Home Learning) for the 2020-2021 school year. Virtual school is an option we are offering parents and families who want their children to learn from home as a part of their school experience. This is an opt-in choice for you as a family. As an option, this may require more involvement for you as parents in your child(ren)'s day-to-day learning. This is a way for you to stay involved in your current school and continue to be a part of that school family.

When you enroll your child(ren) in the LCVS, you also need to make sure your information is correct and up-to-date through SchoolMint. While your child is attending through virtual learning, our students remain enrolled through their regular school site.

By completing the steps below, you are letting LCSS know your intention is for your child(ren) to participate fully in virtual learning for the 2020-2021 school year. If your child(ren) will be coming to school for on-campus learning in the traditional sense, you will not register for LCVS but will need to re-enroll and update your information in SchoolMint. The virtual school option is a space within our school system that keeps your child(ren) connected to their regular school.

As always, our focus is on student and staff safety, academic learning, and preparing our students for success in their future. Though this is a challenging and very different time due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our focus is right here at home in Lauderdale County. We are making the best plans possible for your child(ren) as we begin this new school year. As things continue to change in our state and around us, we will update the plans as necessary. It is important that we are all flexible and keep our goals in mind. We have much work ahead of us and expect that our students, our families, and our staff are resilient and will rise to meet what comes our way.

Follow all the steps to register your child in the Lauderdale County Virtual School (LCVS) and re-enroll in SchoolMint (if you have not already re-enrolled).

Before you fill out a registration form, please read "Considering Virtual School?" Click here.

Click here to fill out the form for your child in LCVS.

You can find instructions for your child's at-home virtual option.

Click here to re-enroll in school in SchoolMint for 2020-2021 (if you have not done so). When enrolling in SchoolMint, select your traditional school.

After completing the three steps, someone from your school will reach out to you in a few days about device pick-up, updates, and more information.