Frequently asked questions


Below are frequently asked questions about the Lauderdale County Virtual School option:

  • What if we give virtual school a try and don’t like the virtual school? May we enroll our child back into his/her school?

Virtual school enrollment is a semester-long commitment. This is a big decision and one that should be made carefully for your child(ren) and your family.

  • If a device/computer is not available at home, will my child be issued a device from school?

Yes, if your child needs a device, one may be checked out from your school. The standard device usage fee of $40.00 will still apply.

  • What are other requirements for attending the virtual school?

  1. You must have reliable wi-fi access at home. If you have questions about internet accessibility at your home please contact your child's school.

  2. Any device that you have at home must be compatible. Devices should have a minimum of 9.7" screen, students in grades 4-12 need a physical keyboard, and it should run a currently supported version of iPadOS, MacOS, ChromeOS, or Windows.

  3. Video-conferencing capabilities. Throughout the semester, your child may need to participate in video conferencing for learning assignments.

  4. You will need to be able to set time limits for your child(ren)—your child will need to spend several hours each day in virtual learning.

  5. You will need to be able to help your child meet learning goals—keeping your child moving forward in learning on time and at a pace that will allow them to meet school expectations.

  6. It is recommended that virtual learners have strong reading and computer navigation skills, as virtual learning will be even more challenging without these skills.

  7. Space to learn—can your child find a quiet place to complete assignments and focus on learning?

  • What is the deadline for registering for virtual school?

The deadline has been EXTENDED for registration for the Lauderdale County Virtual School and you may register any time before the start of school.

  • What will the virtual school be like and will my child interact with an LCSS teacher?

Students choosing the virtual education option will be assigned classes on a virtual platform. Progress will be monitored by an assigned teacher. These students will not be taught by the same teacher who is teaching the traditional class. Parental contact will be made by the teacher for such issues as missed assignments, failed assignments, or failing to log in and attempt the coursework.

  • If we choose the virtual school option, can my child participate in extracurricular activities at their home school?

Yes, your child(ren) will be able to participate in extracurricular activities at their home school following the guidelines established by the Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA).

  • Will my child receive a school lunch if we choose the virtual option?

Yes, your child may participate in the school lunch program. Pick-up options are being arranged and will be shared from your school.

What is virtual or online learning?

● Lauderdale County School System/Lauderdale County Virtual School will primarily use an online program for virtual learning.

● Instruction is provided within this learning program.

Will the virtual option be available for the entire school year? When would students be allowed/required to join back in the traditional setting?

● Virtual School will be availble to students Kindergarten to Grade 12 the entire 2020-2021 school year.

Students who enroll in Virtual School are committed for the entire semester. Once the semester ends, students may choose to return the traditional classroom or register for Virtual School for the second semester.

Do I have to login at a specific time or work set number of hours each day?

● Students will not have to login or report at a specific time.

● Students will be able to work at their own pace. However, it is important that students consistently commit time each day to work on their assignments in order to stay on track to complete the entire course by December 31, 2020.

Will the school provide us with free internet and devices?

● Chromebooks will be available to every student who does not have a device available at home to use with virtual learning. There is a yearly $40 device fee.

● Students on free and reduced lunch qualify for free internet. This is a service offered by the STATE not Lauderdale County Schools. You can find more information at

How will virtual learning work day-to-day?

● LCVS will primarily use a virtual program for instruction.

● The role of the parent is key to the success of virtual learning. Students in grades K-5 will require a lot of support from caring adults at home and in the virtual classroom.

● Efforts will be made to keep virtual students on pace with students in traditional schools.

● Some electives available for students in traditional schools may not be available for virtual students.

● Career and technical courses through the Allen Thornton Career & Technical Center are available for virtual students. These courses will involve both virtual and in-person learning. If students are signed up for these classes, counselors will work with students in making these transitions.

● Student progress will be assessed through the online program and the facilitator. Grades will be assigned following normal school grading procedures.

What will virtual learning look like for students who receive special education services?

● Students working virtually will continue to receive special education and related services as determined by the child’s IEP team.

● Students with a 504 plan will continue to receive appropriate accommodations per the student’s 504 plan.

What about sports? Can my child still participate in athletics if we choose virtual?

● Students who choose virtual learning will be able to participate in sports or other extracurricular activities.

How will band be affected?

● Your child can participate in marching/concert band whether you choose traditional or virtual learning.

If you have more questions than we have answered please click here.