Visual Imagery

There is no single correct way to use visual imagery for stress relief. However, something similar to the following steps is often recommended:

  • Find a private calm space and make yourself comfortable.

  • Take a few slow and deep breaths to center your attention and calm yourself.

  • Close your eyes or if you are watching one of the videos below, concentrate on the video.

  • Imagine yourself in a beautiful location, where everything is as you would ideally have it. Some people visualize a beach, a mountain, a forest, or a being in a favorite room sitting on a favorite chair.

  • Imagine yourself becoming calm and relaxed. Alternatively, imagine yourself smiling, feeling happy and having a good time.

  • Focus on the different sensory attributes present in your scene so as to make it more vivid in your mind. For instance, if you are imagining the beach, spend some time vividly imagining the warmth of the sun on your skin, the smell of the ocean, seaweed and salt spray, and the sound of the waves, wind and seagulls. The more you can invoke your senses, the more vivid the entire image will become.

  • Remain within your scene, touring its various sensory aspects for five to ten minutes or until you feel relaxed.

  • While relaxed, assure yourself that you can return to this place whenever you want or need to relax.

  • Open your eyes again and then rejoin your world.


Sensory Visual

Cosmic Space

Guided Imagery



Snow Falling

Color Kaleidoscope


Northern Lights

The Forest



Floating Lights

Birds of the Rainforest

African Wildlife

Hang Glide Over Yosemite

Visual Art

Water Patterns

Soaring Over Maui