
About this career cluster: Jobs in this cluster are related to working with natural resources used as fuel, working with power and pipeline construction, and manufacturing equipment such as wind and solar power.

Examples of jobs in this career cluster:
Electrical or Mechanical Engineer
-Gas Plant Operator
-Power Line Installer/Repairer
-Electrical Repair

Career Interview: Edward Lahoda, Consulting Engineer at Westinghouse

What is your career?
Chemical Engineer – Nuclear fuel development and manufacturing; technical director for the Westinghouse accident tolerant fuel program (see PowerPoint below for more information)

When you were in elementary school, what did you want to be when you “grew up”?
A garbage man

What are some things you do in a day at work?
I plan tests and then look at results to see what happens. I am working on accident proof nuclear fuel

What is your favorite part of your job?
Seeing my fuel run in reactors

What kind of training do you need to do your job?
College degree in engineering. Bachelor and Master at least and PhD helps

What qualities do you have to have to be successful at your job?
You want to know why things work the way they do. When you find out, you have ideas on how to use your knowledge to make what you are working on better. To guide the things you work on, you need a vision of what would be the best thing that can happen for what you are trying to build, then you know what you have to test and what you have to build.

2021-02-20 Westinghouse ATF Program - Kindergarten.pptx