Business Management & Administration

About this career cluster: Jobs in this cluster are related to planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating business functions and operations.

Examples of jobs in this career cluster:
Operations Manager
-Office Clerk
-Human Resources
-Customer Service Representative

Career Interview: Angelina Michetti, Vice President, Operations for The Swift Group

Please give a brief description about what you do in your job.
When I think about “what do I do”, it is to take care of people and help them grow professionally, help our client’s meet their mission (in other words deliver goods and services that they need), and to live my company’s values which are aligned to honesty and integrity.

When you were in elementary school, what did you want to be when you “grew up”?
For whatever reason, I wanted to either be a paleontologist, a poet, or a pastor! I must have really liked words that started with the Letter “P”! But once I went to undergrad, I realized that I enjoyed and did well in my business management courses and my first job out of college was in the government procuring and contracting for goods and services on behalf of the federal government.

What are some things you do in a day at work?
What I really love about my job is that no day is the same! Some days my day starts early (around 7:30AM) and does not end until nighttime (9PM). Sometimes I work weekends but then I have flexibility to take a day off here and there. Some days, I go visit client’s and employees at their job sites and sometimes I have work lunches where I meet with other companies to discuss if we can partner on work. My daughter thinks I attend too many meetings! In our meetings we discuss employee performance, company performance, or a proposal effort for example. Proposals are a big part of how we win more work and help our company grow as we are a federal contractor. The Government releases requests for proposals to inform them on which company would be the best to deliver their goods and services that they need.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is helping people grow professionally. I work with highly accomplished and very technical subject matter experts who have been coding, ethically hacking, or developing software for many years. But this does not mean that they do not want to keep learning or exploring other opportunities. One of the ways I can help them is through showing them other sides of the business and help them find unique training opportunities.

What kind of training do you need to do your job?
There is no specific required training or education to be a leader of an organization like mine. It does help to have a general business education or background, such as understanding marketing, management, leadership, project management, or contract management.

What qualities do you have to have to be successful at your job?
Soft skills such as inquisitiveness, patience, resilience, being determined and flexibility all help me be successful on a daily basis! I am in the “people business” where my company primarily provides services so enjoying working with and helping people goes a long way in making my job fun!

The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) outlines rules regarding United States government contracting and procurement. Procurement can be defined as the process for obtaining goods or services.